Toes, who'd have 'em.

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Legendary Member

You mean penis in adult speak


Legendary Member
Back when I had a job, one of my PCs went sick after walking though his house barefoot, catching it on some furniture and almost severing his little toe. Would've put Hannibal Lecter off his dinner.
I go barefoot indoors in summer.
One day I took a running jump at the stairs in Stow on the Wold YHA, and stubbed my toe on a riser. That made my eyes water, and I don't know how I didn't break a toe, but it wasn't any bother on the bike the following day.

I stubbed my toes on a doorstep that protrudes out into the pavement on a training walk doing about 6mph, and one of my toes has always struck me as a bit misshapen since then.

Ajax Bay

East Devon
oooh god, anything like that makes my euphemism go all funny xx(
Need to dig a bit deeper then. How does "anything like" stubbing a small toe have whatever effect you describe? Are there other 'things' "like that" or actions that have similar effect? Don't share if you feel the tone may be lowered, lower than, say, a big toe.


Leg End Member
Need to dig a bit deeper then. How does "anything like" stubbing a small toe have whatever effect you describe? Are there other 'things' "like that" or actions that have similar effect? Don't share if you feel the tone may be lowered, lower than, say, a big toe.
How much lower than your feet can you go?
My Dad was a Chiropodist before he retired

The tools he used to relieve in growing toenails were the most painful he had!

He also commented several times that the worst problem he ever saw in an operating theatre were ones where Doctors tried to operate on a foot rather than leave it to people who specialised in the area
Feet are full of fairly normal seeming bits of body stuff that are in reality very specialised and totally different to similar stuff on hands etc!
Worst sin in his book was when a doctor "fixed" a problem by cutting through the skin over a heel - he crippled the patient for life as the heel bed won't heel properly if you do that
He told me that when he was trying to find an infection in my foot that was right over the heel at the back - he basically ended up digging through from the normal skin above the heel until he found the infection - at which point a spurt of puss shot out and the pain went away!
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