Not much of anything to be had in Tesco tonight. Both the chilled produce and fruit & veg cabinets were almost bare and I know they don't mark down the ISB stuff on a Saturday night. Matters weren't helped by a swarm of regulars who suddenly appeared out of the woodwork just as they brought out the single tray of pre-packed bread.
I managed to snag me two small loaves - was down to my last six slices of bread, which is one reason why I went tonight.
However, while everyone else was distracted by the bread and muttering rather sourly that the few trays of bbq meats lurking in the cabinet were dated for tomorrow and were marked down by 15%, the chap who mans the hot deli counter beckoned me over. I had first dibs on what he was reducing and picked out a couple of bits before he took them back to the cabinet near the store entrance.
After the other regulars had cleared off, the manager comes out of the back with the one and only crate of today's reductions, walks up to me and says "take your pick before I put the rest on the shelf."
Shows it's always worthwhile being polite to the staff - not just to the lads and lasses doing the reductions, but also to the bods on the till and to the security guard on the door etc. Saying please and thank you and hello doesn't cost me anything, but it's not the first time stuff's been brought out after everyone else has left. So, tonight's acquisitions:
sausagemeat stuffed roast-in-the-bag chicken - £1.50
bag full of cooked chicken thighs - £1.50
cheese & smoked ham panninis - 2@ 50p each
punnet of raspberries - 50p
cabbage medley - 31p
tub of pickled red cabbage - 25p
tub of mixed green veg with herb butter - 60p
400g warburtons sliced loaf - 2@ 8p
pack of Rankin's potato farls - 12p
falafel wrap - 59p
The stuffed chicken and the veg will do me very nicely for tomorrow. All I need to do is rustle up some roasties.