How does that work?
To me, non-linear response is the sign of a poor brake.
There's a particular position on the actuator of the brake caliper that opens the reservoir to allows it to move both pistons inwards to compensate for wear. Two problems with it are:
- if the brake cable is too tight the actuator may never return far enough to allow the system to do its job so the pads wear and the pull on the brake becomes less effective, there is a lock pin for cable set up built in to the caliper;
- the other issue is that if you stand the bike upside down, the fluid moves around and the brakes are spongy for the first 10 or so activations till the system has settled down again.
I have tried Hy/Rd, Hylex and the Shimano R785, the 2 later being fully hydraulic and I find they are much better than the hy/rd, I found the hood on the R785 to be the same size as the normal Ultegra DI2 (they were both DI2), but hood size as always feels different for different people
I went for t/a on my new bike, I initially wasn't because I wanted to be able to transfer my dynamo hub between bikes as I do now between audax bike & fixie but most forks these days are arriving as t/a so I made the jump. For me the other upsides are less flex (so as Stu mentioned, no disc rub when honking out of the seat) and the wheel will always be straight when put back - the last bit is really handy if you are 'audax tired' and trying to refit a wheel in a lane somewhere in the dark!
There should be no reason to have to realign the caliper once it's been fitted unless you've changed/bent the disc or managed to not fit the wheel back on the bike in its original position. With QR this isn't that hard a task, simply fit the wheel, stand the bike up straight, and undo/redo the QR again to allow the axle to slip in to correct alignment.
There was some concern a while ago about QR coming loose due to the braking action of discs, I have had one time when my QR was loose on a disc based bike, this was after as a group we had stopped in a town square, when I went back to my bike the front QR was half open... who's to say how it actually happened, perhaps it was disc related perhaps it was something else (disturbed bike thief?). Obv, t/a will eliminate the chance of the axle loosening from the disc action if that is a thing...
I guess the other outside reason for t/a is it will remove the chance of using the disc to pull against when closing the q/r LOL
I think you'll be happy which ever way you go!