Dave the Smeghead
Über Member
You're right. Smokers are treated rather badly in general.
So if you're a cyclist and a smoker you should basically turn up your toes right now!
You're right. Smokers are treated rather badly in general.
There are EU moves afoot to have e cigs, especially the rechargeable ones with separate refillable tanks banned, or at least regulated out of existence. It will come as no surprise that the major stakeholders in this move are the tobacco companies. They have sunk their r and d into the disposable and replaceable cartridge type devices ( the ones that actually look like cigarettes)
I suspect if you could smell nicotine in the air around your vaping colleague, that he had nipped outside for a real fag. The vapour from mine is completely odourless. I use it in a closed office about 12x12 and cannot smell it.
A guy that visits our office once or twice per week is trying to give up smoking (fair play to him) but he is using those electric cigarette things to help him.
Whilst he was in earlier this week I came back into the office and it stank - really rank and very nicotiney - quite horrible.
The question is is this doing any harm to the rest of us?
I have never smoked and have no intention of ever doing so, and could do without "passive electronic cigarette smoking".
Smokers rarely smell how disgusting the smoke actually smells. Similar could be true for vapers.
That's a fair point actually, sometimes, usually on my way home after a long day of work, I pass people smoking on the street and have a real hankering for a cig, my will remains strong though. Stale smoke is minging though.As an Ex smoker (of Old Holburn), i still like the smell, i just keep well away in case i get tempted.
Stale smoke is vile though.
I dont think that is what roadrider 48 was saying, just that smokers do have a hard time. Being a cyclist wasn't mentioned. Taking up cycling and trying stop smoking are both going to make you fitter, and hopefully you won't suffer long time illness.
The fact is, I'm surprised smokers aren't compelled to wear bells around they're necks to warn everyone that a smoker is nearby.
I was, in potentially a humourous way (that obviously failed), just comparing the lot of a smoker in the work environment with a cyclist fighting (and possibly dying) for space on our city streets commuting to and from work.
I will get my coat - and clip on shoes!
The government accepted the advice of the CHM and its expert group, which concluded that NCPs currently on the market do not meet appropriate standards of safety, quality and efficacy. Testing data confirm that nicotine levels can vary considerably from the labelled content and the amount of nicotine per product can differ from batch to batch. In terms of how well NCPs work, there can be widely differing amounts of nicotine from the same format with one form delivering what could be an effective therapeutic dose, another a 'placebo' dose. With regards to safety, toxic elements may be included at unexpectedly high doses which could produce adverse effects, particularly in vulnerable patient groups.