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Bollo said:
Hi John,
You're right of course. Internet forums are not the wonderful, egalitarian, life affirming brother/sisterhoods that 'Tomorrows World' would have you believe. You'll find the bully, the crackpot, the sarcasm-monger (guilty!) and the pillock in abundance. The ability to hide behind a constructed and carefully controlled persona gives people the fake cojones to behave in a way that they wouldn't dream of in real life. And that's the point. This is not real life. You can choose to treat it as the mild distraction from Standard Liege 0-0 Liverpool that it is, or start worrying 'what people think'. Turn the computer off, plan a ride, promise yourself only to visit "Know-How" and browse Sheldon Brown's (rip) web site for an hour. You'll feel better for it.

Thank you for that! Well done apart from the mention of Football.
By the way why does the Internet Cycle World erupt at the mention of helmets?


Failed Tech Bro
fossyant said:
Oh ...proper bun fight here........ I thought Thorn's were proper Touring bikes, hand built, not out of a far east factory....
I believe their very high end expedition frames are hand built on site, possibly by virgins, but they're quite open about the rest being built in Taiwan. My Sport Tour and Tandem are Taiwan jobs, and they're very tidy.


Failed Tech Bro
john28july said:
Thank you for that! Well done apart from the mention of Football.
By the way why does the Internet Cycle World erupt at the mention of helmets?

Helmets have wires in them that allow the CIA to control your thoughts!:evil:


I popped into Cycle Surgery last week to see if they'd got one in. They hadn't. And that place is really expensive. And I've never had a member of staff so much as make eye contact with me when I've been in there. So I'd be reluctant to buy from them.

The only suitable bikes that my friendly LBS can get, (Harborne Cycle Surgery) are the Merida cross and Dawes Galaxy. And the Merida doesn't look like a very good bike.

On your Bike (33-40 Bradford Street, Brum) are a Ridgeback dealer. Maybe worth a visit? :evil:

Rhythm Thief

Legendary Member
Ross on Wye
john28july said:
Am I happy with my Thorn bikes? I own at present-three. I have owned two others. Am I happy with being ridiculed? No.
Am I happy with my bikes? Absolutely and I do not care what others may think, however I do care about personal ridicule by people who are supposed to 'contribute'. One reason why Forums will always be a nightmare in my opinion.
Anyhow thanks to those who actually care.
Yes it was yet another Thorn which started this particular thread.

But as far as I can see, no one is ridiculing you. Certainly all I've said is that I don't find Thorn bikes especially desirable. Which is an entirely valid viewpoint, just the same as your "Thorns are the only bikes for me" stance is also entirely valid. If you started this thread expecting that everyone would "see the light", I'm afraid you're on the wrong forum.:evil:


I believe that they are no more.

Anyway, I rang them 3 years ago when I bought my last bike. I'd seen that they were down as a Ridgeback dealer. The Aussie guy answered the phone-

me: "Do you sell Ridgeback bikes"

him: "Ridgeback? Er, <pause> um, <longer pause>, er no"

me: Are you sure??

him: "Errrr, mmmmm, no we don't"

I have no idea why I got such a strange response, and went elsewhere to buy my Specialized.

Weird response.

try this :

If not, looks like a Dawes Galaxy from spa cycles for £720 then :evil:


Failed Tech Bro
Cunobelin said:
There was a rumour at one point of a Thorn Recumbent!

Imagine the discussion about that!

And here it is.....

On a more serious note, I did meet a nice chap at the start of the Basingstoke Big Wheel who had a Rohloff-equiped 'bent, who offered me some replacement gear oil. I met him again, briefly, as he screamed off into the distance about 4 miles into the ride. If you're on here. Hi! Thanks for the offer, but I bit the bullet and bought my very own bottles.


Bollo said:
And here it is.....

On a more serious note, I did meet a nice chap at the start of the Basingstoke Big Wheel who had a Rohloff-equiped 'bent, who offered me some replacement gear oil. I met him again, briefly, as he screamed off into the distance about 4 miles into the ride. If you're on here. Hi! Thanks for the offer, but I bit the bullet and bought my very own bottles.

Ha Ha Ha. That's made me laugh.
Is it in black or green? (it's the gun barrels that are black, eh ;))


New Member
Bollo said:
If I find any 'new', so-called 'components' on mine I shall be returning it to Mr Thorn quicker than you can say "God save the King!"

I feel one of my essays coming on....

What I find interesting in all of this is how much people can identify with a product, brand or lifestyle to the point where they'll engage in e-fisticuffs.

To John28July...

I own two 'brands' that seem to make it to the forums quite a bit - two Thorns and a Litespeed road bike. To defuse the argument, lets consider the Litespeed, a 2006 Tuscany. I've heard "Shitespeed", "Litespeed are going bust", "American build quality is w@nk", "Litespeed went downhill when Lynskey sold out", "Has it cracked yet?" and all other manner of unpleasantness. My favourite quote from my local LBS manager - "No professional rides titanium" - my reply - "Do I look like a f&*king professional!" Why do I not care? From the moment I sat on the thing I knew it was the best bike for me that I'd ever tried. Since then, I've covered about 6000 slow, lonely stinky miles on the thing, and I still love it.

The main bullet-point of my presentation is this. Ask yourself Yes? Hurray! And balls to anyone else's opinion (and no returnies). All the opinions, ranting, huffs and vendettas on this forum, apart from mine, mean nothing.

Must admit you confused me here. Is it possible to have too much Leffe?

Probably not! :biggrin:
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