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Madcyclist said:
I'm puzzled, why use such a large saddle bag, does it obstruct the legs when sitting back in the saddle ? Surely spreading the weight in paniers would be more stable and less obtrusive.

I have a Carradice Barley saddle bag on my Galaxy (which also has panniers). It doesn't obstruct the legs, I don't notice that it's there, despite its bulky appearance. I tend to favour it over panniers at the moment - I don't usually have enough kit to stick in two panniers. It seems a bit pointless spreading the weight in two panniers when you can stick it all in one saddle bag.

Nice bikes btw John - I like the look of Thorn's although never actually ridden one.


Noble and true, with a heart of steel
The TerrorVortex
Plax's Barley saddlebag is very nice. I was deliberately riding behind her so I could admire it.
I wasn't getting my ass whipped going up Llanberis Pass at all. Perish the thought...

Oh! The Thorn! Let's see:-

BRG *approves*
Riding position *likes*
Presumed large heap of spacers *thankfully cannot see*
Not for me, but that doesn't stop it being good.


what's not to like about thorn bikes ,there a solid touring bike very easy and comfortable to ride ,when i was hunting for a touring bike i came across john's site by accident and when i seen his black nomad that done it for me class bike ,dident get the nomad haden't one in my size so i bought the sherpa and im very pleased with the bike .

Rhythm Thief

Legendary Member
Ross on Wye
I'm sure they're lovely bikes ... I just think they're ugly. And they don't do anything my ancient Galaxy won't do for considerably less money. But if you like them, good luck to you; as Wafflycat says, the world would be very dull if we were all the same.:tongue:


New Member
Glad you like yours. Just wouldn't have one out of choice: not my bag, they just don't do it for me. Every one I've seen IRL is just plain ugly to me. Personally, I love my Bianchi tourer. It fits me like a glove, is comfortable, reliable, does everything I want it to do. It's now of an age where it needs a respray, it's so well-used, and respray is what it will get as it fits me so well, I just don't want to replace it. As I said, life would be boring if we were all the same :wacko:


New Member
Wasn't there some anorak blokey on C+ who had a spacer fetish, managed to get into the workshops at the rear of SJS cycles and takes loads of pictures which he posted on the C+ forum, IIRC it led to a long drawn out debacle, maybe I just dreamt that?;)


New Member
No, there was a long, drawn-out thread on C+, involving some person who was besotted by Thorn bikes and couldn't understand why anyone may not find them to be the bees' knees... IIRC wasn't it actually some sort of advertising ploy as it turned out? I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong.


New Member


New Member
wafflycat said:
No, there was a long, drawn-out thread on C+, involving some person who was besotted by Thorn bikes and couldn't understand why anyone may not find them to be the bees' knees... IIRC wasn't it actually some sort of advertising ploy as it turned out? I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong.

Probably my memory isn't what it was, sorry, where was I? Oh yes, I'm handy with a riding crop if you like?!;)


New Member
It's the spacers that get me, can't they build bikes with shorter headtubes, they remind me of something you would have seen old Grandads ( no offence to any male posters who have Grandchildren) on the roads 40 years ago, they maybe they are solid dependable machines, but they lack any kind of imagination.
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