I'll be changing my routine over this coming winter. This year was all about endurance, spending lots of hours on the bike, hill climbing and working in lots of distance rides. From doing 500-600 miles per month from January through to May, I stepped up to 850+ miles in May and June before the July Etape. It made a big difference to my schedule to be honest and whilst to begin with, I was anxious to start time trialling and road racing in the spring, when the time came although I did a bit, it didn't fit in with the objective I had - to finish the Etape, which for me would constitute an endurance event. It therefore took a back seat and I forsook the evening 10 TT for a 60-70 mile training ride.
And therein is the point...to what end is any riding? Enjoyment, focus based or a mixture of both? If I told you Andrew that I also have kids you'd probably think my other half was a saint for giving me all that time and you'd be right - she is. But my excuse was my boy's charity and she was fully supportive.
But... to next year I want to change the focus, spend time on the turbo over the dark nights and concentrate on shorter distances at a much faster pace, to the end of fully immersing myself in road racing next season. This year I've been happy with a lower average speed given the hill climbing and the distances, opposed next season where average speed over a shorter distance will mean more, much much more than distance per se.
Either way, well done mate, it's an achievement and if it makes you feel good then that's half the battle.
Good luck fella.'