Obviously an Aubergine
I agree with what you are saying (and credit where it is due for your farming methods) . I know that as individuals the challenge to prevent more damage being done to our home seems too big to contemplate. Having said that, the more we air our concerns publicly and the more of us that do so by our actions , the better chance of at least slowing down the otherwise inevitable disaster. Otherwise we are no better than a mouse sitting cleaning its whiskers when it is about to be killed by a cat .
Yes indeed that's why it needs to be collaborative, cooperative action
Its those two that are the sticking point
There's no lack of scientific or even technological know how
Its political will that's lacking.
We can do very little as individuals, together we can do far more, even if it's only to put direct pressure on the powers that be.
Yes by our spending, when we do it, but words matter too.
Ignoring of course people who say "you can't say anything because you have a mobile phone or whatever .
They're just trying to distract, and muddy the waters
Any powerful tool can be used for good or ill.