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- East coast, up a bit.
Would he not be better with a helmet?
I just wish all that energy could be harnessed to heat my home.

Would he not be better with a helmet?
You're welcome.i apologise if I have insulted anyone with my comments.
Because we should not be lulled into a sense of security by helmets that do not offer the degree of safety many believe.I do feel though that the arguments for not wearing a helmet seem to protest too much, throwing statistics and the odd scientific study to prove their case. Can i ask them why is it that you would rather strongly argue this point, rather than to grasp at any safety feature that might actually save you from any type of injury, including serious injury or death.
Would he not be better with a helmet?
Some crazy wannabe rally drivers would probably do so more oftenI wonder how often people would drive if every time they wanted to use their car they had to put on a flameproof suit and a crash helmet.
Keep your wits about you, ride defensively, and stay aware that if you get knocked off your bike at high speed (whether the speed comes from you or the vehicle that hits you or both) that thin layer of plastic and polystyrene on your head will NOT prevent a serious head injury.
I find that a bit of a dumb statement, after being involved in a crash where I lost a lot of skin from a few places from my ankle to my shoulder and my head coming into a very hard contact with the road and other than suffering slight concussion there was no injuries to my head and all because I wore a helmet. The speed was recorded on my Garmin at 27mph and dropped to zero in just a couple of seconds, on looking at the helmet afterwards it was completeley smashed to pieces on the side that made contact with the ground. If I did not have a helmet on, I know I would have suffered a serious head injury, but you think I would not, because a helmet will not prevent a serious injury.
You know that for a fact do you? You haven't considered that your head might not have contacted anything without the added diameter of the polystyrene placebo you were wearing?
I find that a bit of a dumb statement, after being involved in a crash where I lost a lot of skin from a few places from my ankle to my shoulder and my head coming into a very hard contact with the road and other than suffering slight concussion there was no injuries to my head and all because I wore a helmet. The speed was recorded on my Garmin at 27mph and dropped to zero in just a couple of seconds, on looking at the helmet afterwards it was completeley smashed to pieces on the side that made contact with the ground. If I did not have a helmet on, I know I would have suffered a serious head injury, but you think I would not, because a helmet will not prevent a serious injury.
I find it amazing that you can say that. As a Mountain Biker I know that when I go over the bars my head is going to hit the ground helmet or not. When the helmet splits open I am thankful I can still get back on my bike and limp my way home rather that bleed to death.
If we could shoehorn Lance Armstrong, clipless pedals and the Zen like qualities of fixed gear in too we've probably got a full house.
You know that for a fact do you? You haven't considered that your head might not have contacted anything without the added diameter of the polystyrene placebo you were wearing?
I thought we were talking about helmets in general use, not just for mountain biking?
I was talking to Lance Armstrong the other day on this very topic. We were both at my LBS to buy some cleated shoes for our clipless pedals.
He'd arrived on a fixed-gear bike. We both mused at length on the Zen-like qualities of this format.
We also discussed fuel duty, the benefits (or otherwise) of government by coalition, the Middle East Peace Process and rush-hour traffic volumes on the M5.
I was halfway though asking him whether he felt he'd been tested enough by the climbs up Ventoux when he muttered something about trolls and stormed out.... Not sure what it was I said...
I hope that little vignette gives you the full house you were seeking. Every word of it is nearly true.
Well unless my head has an anti gravity device installed and made me float inches off the ground I would have considered it, but sadly I don't, so when you are flying head first at the ground, and there's nothing soft in between to stop you gravity is going to win. In an accident the outcome is not known beforehand and what happens is in the fate of the Gods, maybe your head will contact the deck or maybe it won't, I'd like to be prepared for such an eventuality.