Things you'd like to say, but can't

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Here, we are supposed to use a green sack for paper, tetrapacks and light cardboard. There is a heavy-duty white sack for plastic containers and cans. There is a black plastic box to put glass and thick cardboard in. Food waste is put in biodegradeable green plastic bags which go in a plastic caddy, and of course, there is a wheelie bin for everything else.

Normally the council supply replacement green food bags when we run out. They will also replace everything except for the wheelie bin free of charge if things are lost or damaged. There is a charge for replacement wheelie bins.

Somebody has either accidentally taken my wheelie bin (which seems unlikely because it has my house number painted on it!) or they have stolen it for some reason (maybe just to annoy me!)...

So, not only will I eventually have to pay for a replacement bin, I won't actually be supplied one until things get back to normal!

I have looked round the neighbourhood and couldn't see my bin anywhere, but I can't see into people's back yards or outbuildings. I'll have another look tomorrow in case somebody has discovered that they now have 2 bins and put mine back out!
I just can't get my head around why every Council has their preferred method of segregation. My sister lives 5mls in one direction and my mother in law 8mls in the other and, all of us have a different process and bin/box colour :wacko:

Surely having the same bin/box and bag segregation throughout the country would be more cost effective and simple. The Councils/Government should 'telling' the recycling companies how it is to be done not having them dictate the rules.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I should have mentioned that we have to put the wheelie bins out from our back yards into the back alley. Only vulnerable people who can't do their own bins have them collected from their yards. A crew comes along and rounds them all up, gathering them at the roadside at the end of the alley to be emptied into the truck which follows them. The bins don't get brought back, so once they are empty we trudge down the alley to get them. Mine had simply vanished!


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Check around next bin day, see if it shows up then.
Great minds think alike!

If it was theft rather than a mistake though, the culprit may have scraped the painted number off.

I am going to wander further afield today and see if someone has moved it a few streets away as a prank. It would be easier to spot now that the rest of the bins will have been taken in.


Great minds think alike!

If it was theft rather than a mistake though, the culprit may have scraped the painted number off.

I am going to wander further afield today and see if someone has moved it a few streets away as a prank. It would be easier to spot now that the rest of the bins will have been taken in.
Make sure they haven't left a body in it :eek:

I keep my bins/boxes smell free by washing them out with bleach so it really winds me up when some cheeky greb tries to deliberately take mine and leave their filthy smelly and lid-less ones in their place. AND, if you know it's windy when putting it out then make sure the lid is on properly (or place a brick on top of the paper/cardboard) so that I don't have my garden full of recycling the next morning!

You know who you are :cursing:


Legendary Member
"I think you dropped this"

While handing back the ice cream tub just dropped out of the window by the passenger of Audi registration R5 FAG this afternoon.


"I think you dropped this"

While handing back the ice cream tub just dropped out of the window by the passenger of Audi registration R5 FAG this afternoon.
I once read of an old lady who returned a fag packet to the open window from which it had been dropped. "s'alright love, I don't need it," said the driver. "Neither does Cheltenham," she declared, dropping it into the car.


Heavy Metal Fan
Somebody has either accidentally taken my wheelie bin (which seems unlikely because it has my house number painted on it!) or they have stolen it for some reason
Same thing happened to me. Someone took my green bin, I requested a new one (green ones are free), then the day after my new one arrived, the old dear down the road returned mine. Then someone stol my brown bin, they said I had to pay £15 for a new on, or I could get a brown sack free. So I've got a sack
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