Things you'd like to say, but can't

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Can we please have Windows '98 back. Every update since then has just made things worse


Forgive me if I'm showing a lack of enthusiasm about this latest major re-structuring of the company. I've been through at least 6 re-structures (plus numerous minor departmental shuffles) in my working life, 2 of which have resulted in me being made redundant.

If I could afford to I'd be handing in my notice now to save you the bother of 'slotting' me into a role. If I survive this one I should be in a position to do just that the next time around.


Never used Über Member
Mate, if you want to do bullying conf calls in your booming voice all day to show incisive and thrusting you are do it in the pods provided, not sat at your desk next to mine. I'm trying to flippin' concentrate.

(I left and went to work in another part of the building)

Sorry, I could only give you one "Like" for this. I work next to Foghorn Leghorn himself, who insists on making several 'important' calls every day and to be honest, I don't think he needs the telephone as I'm sure they could hear him without...
Repeated requests to moderate his volume have fallen on deaf ears (ironically enough) :banghead:

Dave the Smeghead

Über Member
You crowd of totally incompetent wan**rs. When you get your ar*es kicked for being so f***ing incompetent don't try to pass the blame to us - we have bailed your sorry ar*es so many times - well no more
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Vice Admiral
I have been closely involved with this Project for four years. Now you have chosen to close it. Would it have been a good idea to tell me personally, or even by email, rather than just my reading about the closure in a mail shot?

Please do not expect any help from me as regards the practical aspects of the closure.


Strangely enough, I'm not a 'weirdo' just because I prefer French/Nordic films and dramas to X Factor and EastEnders. This doesn't me a 'snob' - it just means I like something different to you, and judging by the fact that the BBC and other channels purchase the programmes repeatedly would suggest I'm not alone.

(Actually, shouldn't really have posted that - because I did say it).


Strangely enough, I'm not a 'weirdo' just because I prefer French/Nordic films and dramas to X Factor and EastEnders. This doesn't me a 'snob' - it just means I like something different to you, and judging by the fact that the BBC and other channels purchase the programmes repeatedly would suggest I'm not alone.

(Actually, shouldn't really have posted that - because I did say it).

:giggle: Pffffttffffft! Weirdo
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