Things you'd like to say, but can't

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What’s the point
if i don't de-energise the distribution board , then I can't terminate and test the lighting circuit you want on on the 10th and 11th floor, and the only reason i put the DB on was to get you lights on on the 9th, which you now say you cant possibly turn off as the painters need the real light so stop painting yourself into a corner you dipstick


What’s the point
Oh so you want me to not see my family at all and stay "out of hours" and weekends late into the night to do shutdown work on DBs . oh, the painters won't stay late or work late weekends. well buster here's a feckin shock neither will my sparks as they too have a life and it may have escaped your notice but they have been working later than the agreed hours on the S61 notice anyway


Legendary Member
So, you decided to take the issue of the missing chainsaw up with my mum.:wacko: Seriously? :ohmy: I'm 40 not 14 for crying out loud!

I hope the new chainsaw she was guilt-tripped into buying serves you well until the original turns up (which I am quite convinced it will - it'll be tucked safely in a corner somewhere), when I feel I'm owed an apology and I'll take that new chainsaw home with me as well.

You would be quite within your rights to actually say it. I wouldn't have been able to not say anything if it was me


Legendary Member
If I'd built up to actually saying it I may have said a load of other stuff that's been bugging me. Best not to with family I think.:wacko:
No excuse for her to behave like that, but I understand what you are saying. Maybe a break from going over there for a few weeks would be a good idea. Perhaps makes the point that you are not happy.


Evil Genius in training.
Warrington, UK
yes i understand you want access to X system, but as it's not something we look after or have ever heard of before we just need a few details from you...
what's that? you don't have any details? then why do you want access to it?
ah your manager told you to get it, does your manager know about it?
right, so why do you need it again?
oh yes, your manager said you should have it.
what does it do?
you don't know.
does your manager know?
this is like that abbot and costello sketch who's on first.
tell me, if your manager told you to, would you jump off a cliff?
no? but its ok to ask us to access to a system you clearly have no idea about and you just assume we're omnipotent and know everything.
well i have news for you my friend, my crystal ball is in the shop and i'm all out of effs to give.
oh and i've contacted your manager to have them ask you to jump off a cliff, what can i say i'm curious.


What’s the point
there wasn't this amount of "investigation work" done when a crane chain snapped so why is there a witch hunt on a aluminium trim dropped on a 110V lead where nobody got hurt. is this an attempt to stop me taking up my new position? you clearly don't live in the real fricking world. its simples - if I don't get to take the new position I will leave the company anyway so you will be knackered either way


Tights of Cydonia
South Glos
Been there,done that... Why is it that youth groups attract a minority of ungrateful parents who think you are the world's cheapest baby sitting service? I bet they think you're paid for it as well.

My lot are pretty good but there are always one or two who don't read the rota, don't realise that they can send anyone along, grandparents, uncles/aunts etc, and don't reply to the reminder texts I send out 2 days before the meeting. So 23 cubs sat in a field with not enough adults for the meeting to go ahead. Other parents will always step in to save the day but they shouldn't have to and I feel bad asking them to.


Midlands UK
Why do we get this every month? We get paid on the 27'th of every month or the closest day to it, there is a laminated sheet of paper on the notice board in the canteen, it tells you when we get paid and what weeks are included, read the damn thing :angry:
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