Things you have missed out on which everyone else seems to have done.

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Transitioned to a woman

Self abuse (who am I kidding)


Enjoyed football

I've done three of those


Kilometre nibbler
Watching Game Of Thrones.

This leads to something that seems to be pretty much universally popular - except with me. That is these bloody long drama series on telly. The world's full of them - all in serial format with one long story that goes through the entire series.

Sorry, I don't have the attention span to maintain interest in a story that long. Give me a nice series with neat self contained episodes that are done and dusted and neatly tied up at the end of each episode. I've started to watch a few of these mega series but I always lose interest, or miss some episodes and can't be arsed to catch up.

I think it all started back with the Sopranos (which I never stuck with) and Twin Peaks (ditto).

I did manage one whole series. An Icelandic thing about dead people coming out of a volcano. It was OK I suppose. Oh yeah, and I managed the whole of the first series of The Killing. But not the second one.
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This leads to something that seems to be pretty much universally popular - except with me. That is these bloody long drama series on telly. The world's full of them - all in serial format with one long story that goes through the entire series.

Sorry, I don't have the attention span to maintain interest in a story that long. Give me a nice series with neat self contained episodes that are done and dusted and neatly tied up at the end of each episode. I've started to watch a few of these mega series but I always lose interest, or miss some episodes and can't be arsed to catch up.

I believe it started with the X-Files (bear with me ... ). Everyone knows there was this long drawn out "mystery" consipracy thing around the <dramatic music> SMOKING MAN!!!!!

But the episodes people actually remember actually enjoying were always the one-offs. (Slither I think was the name of one. And the travelling circus freaks ... and ... well it was a long time ago, and I didnt watch them all). In fact there were more one-offs in the earlier series, and they were all the better for it.

See also:
The Hobbit (yes, the book!!!) vs
Lord of the Rings (Vols 1-6, for goodness sake ... )


Kilometre nibbler
I believe it started with the X-Files (bear with me ... ). Everyone knows there was this long drawn out "mystery" consipracy thing around the <dramatic music> SMOKING MAN!!!!!

But the episodes people actually remember actually enjoying were always the one-offs. (Slither I think was the name of one. And the travelling circus freaks ... and ... well it was a long time ago, and I didnt watch them all). In fact there were more one-offs in the earlier series, and they were all the better for it.
Yeah, I did like the X Files to begin with, but I started to get a bit lost when Cancer Man started monopolising the show.

One I remember was when Mulder and Scully moved into an all too perfect housing complex, with lots of rules, masquerading as man and wife. There was a Golem living in the drains (No Mulder, there is a perfectly rational explanation)


Firm and Fruity
I have never been above the second floor in a building.

Ever been in a hospital, block of flats, hotel, office block or a multi-storey car park?
How about a sports stadium, theatre, castle or stately home?
I find this staggering.
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