Things that you would like to do but can't

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That cannot be true. If you completed 400m in 68s, at least one of the hundred-metre parts of it was done faster than 18s!



Legendary Member
@Gunk , I can juggle, quite well with three juggling thuds, or fruit of similar size, and do a few tricks, but I’ve tried loads of times to juggle with four thuds, can’t get it right. Given up on it now.


@Gunk , I can juggle, quite well with three juggling thuds, or fruit of similar size, and do a few tricks, but I’ve tried loads of times to juggle with four thuds, can’t get it right. Given up on it now.

There a guy at our local park run who juggles and runs sub 20 at the same time!


Über Member
Just get up in the morning, I am a long starter:headshake:i worked in the post office for 30 + years with consequent early starts.


Über Member
Minced beef and porridge.

Not in the same pot,but then I've never tried it ?


Active Member
I’m not the perfect driver but when you someone blatantly flout the driving rules, you should be able to nudge them off the road.
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