Things that you would like to do but can't

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a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
off work with a bad back at the moment so I'll just settle for sitting in a chair and relaxing


I keep getting woken-up in the early hours of the morning by cars with exhaust bypass valves. I'd like to put a one inch ball bearing through their windscreens with a catapult.

We get them coming past our house, absolute tools

Tail End Charlie

Well, write it down boy ......
I read somewhere recently that, beyond the age of 30, 95% of people don't ever sprint. I can well believe this and it got me thinking.
I'd like to be able to sprint for 100 metres (without collapsing at the end). I'm not talking fast - perhaps 18 seconds would do me.


South Wales
I read somewhere recently that, beyond the age of 30, 95% of people don't ever sprint. I can well believe this and it got me thinking.
I'd like to be able to sprint for 100 metres (without collapsing at the end). I'm not talking fast - perhaps 18 seconds would do me.

My fastest ever 100m (48 years ago at school) was 18s. 68s was my best 400m hurdles time, when I was roped in to fill a vacant spot.


Considering a new username
Leafy Surrey
I read somewhere recently that, beyond the age of 30, 95% of people don't ever sprint. I can well believe this and it got me thinking.
I'd like to be able to sprint for 100 metres (without collapsing at the end). I'm not talking fast - perhaps 18 seconds would do me.

I used to take the children to a playground that had a running track, so I'd sprint against them. I am unbeaten... (which I'd stopped doing it before they got faster than me)


Legendary Member
Pull ups.
I used to be able to do 40 pull ups. I tried in the play park last week. I could not manage one.
I am 66 and can ride 200km days, no problem. Do we lose muscle strength as we get older?
Absolutely you do. I can still do one pull up, but it feels like my arms are about to dislocate!

I have never been able to do one

Mind you - I have always had very thin wrists with resulting lack of strength
fingers are even worse
my power - such as it is - has always been in my shoulders and legs rather than arms

the grand daughter is into indoor climbing and keeps asking me how to do things - I have tried a few things but my grip is so weak that I don;t have a chance!!!


Considering a new username
Leafy Surrey
I have never been able to do one

Mind you - I have always had very thin wrists with resulting lack of strength
fingers are even worse
my power - such as it is - has always been in my shoulders and legs rather than arms

the grand daughter is into indoor climbing and keeps asking me how to do things - I have tried a few things but my grip is so weak that I don;t have a chance!!!
No muscles in the wrist or fingers if I remember correctly, only in the hands and arms, so weedy wrists aren't an issue.

I tried indoor climbing walls for a while when young, and a I guy I knew suggested I train to do pull ups on door architraves, supporting my entire weight on my fingertips. The strength soon develops and it become easy, if a little uncomfortable. Suppose I was only 10 stone at the time.

Could still do it in my late 40s and would demonstrate it to my son. He now loves climbing and is some kind of human goat.
I can still manage a few pullups on a bar, but not on a doorframe.
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