Obviously an Aubergine
Everyone I know who speaks in a broad Cornish or Devonshire accent pronounces it to rhyme with "bone". Like many things, people outside the areas where these things were invented tend to pronounce it how they want. Like a lot of English people will say they are going out to eat in a "rest-er-ont", but that's not how the French say it.
I was accused of being posh for pronouncing it scone instead of Scon; my argument was always "speak to my Gran who's as broad Devon as they come, she says scone, that's how the locals say it". I blame the South-Easterners...coming down 'ere, mis-pronouncing our scones....
Well i live in Debonshire - and this has been an ongoing - hot topic of debate amongst the locals for the thirty plus years I've been here..
We've always had to make our own entertainment -
But lets not even go near jam or cream on first, controversy - centuries long family feuds have been predicated on less ...