Things that have bothered you for a long time.

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Legendary Member
Another thing that bothers me. Christmas episodes of soaps. Every christmas someone gets slapped, murdered, blown up, dissolved in acid, cleft in twee by a train, eaten by dogs, has a plane crash on them, or is instantly vaporised by a tactical nuke. This being the case, it bothers be greatly that the residents don't see the coming danger and go stay with relatives over christmas.

There was quite a good reference to that in the Doctor Who Christmas episode a few years back. London was almost deserted as nearly everyone had left for the countryside because, as a stay-behind Londoner had said "there's always an alien invasion at Christmas'


Legendary Member
45 years of Lenny Henry (on stage, one assumes) today. A spectacular career for a comedian who's never actually been funny.
Another thing that bothers me. Christmas episodes of soaps. Every christmas someone gets slapped, murdered, blown up, dissolved in acid, cleft in twee by a train, eaten by dogs, has a plane crash on them, or is instantly vaporised by a tactical nuke. This being the case, it bothers be greatly that the residents don't see the coming danger and go stay with relatives over christmas.

That's a very busy Christmas day, even for a character in a soap opera.


I've never found LH remotely funny in his stand up, impressions or his comedy characters. But he doesn't annoy me like some comedians do, he always comes across as a nice guy to me.
I do think he has potential as a serious actor though.


Legendary Member
I've never found LH remotely funny in his stand up, impressions or his comedy characters. But he doesn't annoy me like some comedians do, he always comes across as a nice guy to me.
I do think he has potential as a serious actor though.
Spot on. I saw him once, live, not on the bill, obviously trying out some new material. He, and it, were poor if truth be told, but he was a 'name', appearing at a relatively small venue, so the audience was predisposed to laugh. That, confidence, and sheer energy carried him through. I distinctly remember thinking, tho', that if an unknown had appeared with comparable material, they would have been given the bird pretty pronto.

But again, I agree - when I've seen him act, I've been pleasantly surprised.


Legendary Member
He played a part in a drama a year or two ago that was brilliant (his acting and the series) but he is not a comedian.

However, more importantly, tomorrow is the big day and I still haven't made my mind up. Which is worse, the Conservatives getting back in, or Liverpool winning the league? Either way, it won't be worth buying a paper for the next 5 years.


Legendary Member
On Christmas Gifts.
Vouchers for Christmas. What's the point of them then? Look here is a voucher for your present which you can spend in any Boots/WH Smith/HMV in the country. Or here is some cash which you can spend in any shop in the World.

Chris S

Legendary Member
On Christmas Gifts.
Vouchers for Christmas. What's the point of them then? Look here is a voucher for your present which you can spend in any Boots/WH Smith/HMV in the country. Or here is some cash which you can spend in any shop in the World.
You don't get change from vouchers either. Apparently a lot of them are never used so the retailer gains that way as well.
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Latin - why was it so much harder than every other subject at school? I did three years of it. I can't remember ever reading a Latin quote in a book and understanding it.
Ah but that's why until relatively recently catholic priests just loved it. I have a grade a o level in latin i think, but never understood it.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
Another thing that bothers me. Christmas episodes of soaps. Every christmas someone gets slapped, murdered, blown up, dissolved in acid, cleft in twee by a train, eaten by dogs, has a plane crash on them, or is instantly vaporised by a tactical nuke. This being the case, it bothers be greatly that the residents don't see the coming danger and go stay with relatives over christmas.
soaps in general imho, i say there is enough heartache in real life without watching contrived claptrap
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