Things that have bothered you for a long time.

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If 6 Was 9
Something I struggle with is why a mirror reverses left and right, but not too and bottom. I stil can't quite get my head round that
It's to do with metabolic inverse exponential theory.....


Legendary Member
I mean left is left and right is right and up is up and down is down. You need two mirrors at 45° to flip left and right.

Yebbut if I move my left hand, the mirror version moves his right. But when I nod my head the mirror me doesn't tap his feet
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Glow worm

Legendary Member
Near Newmarket
The song by Everything But The Girl, from a zillion years ago, banging on about 'how the deserts miss the rain' when in fact too much rain would effectively bugger a desert. So in reality deserts don't miss the rain at all, they hate the bloody stuff.

So there - get your desert/ rainfall totals right '@Everything but the girl'.
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Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
The song by Everything But The Girl, from a zillion years ago, banging on about 'how the deserts miss the rain' when in fact too much rain would effectively bugger a desert. So in reality deserts don't miss the rain at all, they hate the bloody stuff.

So there - get your desert/ rainfall totals right '@Everything but the girl'.
This one's been sorted out.



Legendary Member
Car adverts. I hate them with a passion. I really believe they are appealing to the people with the lowest IQ.

Always showing the car model being hawked on a glorious open country road (replete with golden sunset) when in reality you're much more likely to be stuck in traffic on a rainy Wednesday. Mindless insinuations that you will be more successful (there's an advert over here that has a woman suavely intoning "...recalibrating..." inferring that as you own their vehicle you will climb that corporate ladder).

The worst ones are the ones about safety features; they all show situations where mindless attractive people don't pay f*&king attention and the car saves them (interestingly the objects and people that get in their way are all less than attractive, hmm coincidence?). I'm all for safety features but can't help but wonder if they are implicitly saying "look! You can pay even less attention in our cars! It's made just for you, you twat".

Can't stand them. I could go on....... grrrrrrr.....


Leg End Member
Infinity always got me. The only way I could rationalise it was by imagining ALL of space in a box....but then you instantly think ...whats on the outside of the box :wacko::cry:

On the subject of space...why is it you turn a light out...the light disappears (almost) instantly. So why can we see light from stars that died billions of years ago.

Yes I knows there' a logical explanation, but my head doesn' seem to want to absorb it :laugh:
Well you see space and time is curved, so in effect it's taking a roundabout way to get from there to here. Which by the tiime it gets here, "there" may not be there any more. It may have moved or gone altogether.
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