Things that annoy you, that shouldn't..

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New Member
That Sian Lloyd - perfectly nice lady I'm sure - but used to drive me nuts with those wierd hand movements.

Watch next time!!!!


Senior Member
Birmingham, UK
mosschops2 said:
The endless sponsorship / birthday / leaving pressie money-collection rounds - some weeks there are three or four.....

Yeah, I get that a bit at the moment. The sponsorship is getting beyond a joke. There are people I know who have wanted sponsoring for a 5km walk.

Also as you enter my office building you walk through first one, then another set of automatic doors. The movement of these doors triggers more automatic doors which lead to various different parts of the building. The movement from these doors then re-triggers the outside doors to open and close again, thus starting up the inside doors again... When they were first installed it was like a self-sustaining chain reaction that went on for some minutes. It's now been adjusted, but it was bloody silly.

Elmer Fudd

Miserable Old Bar Steward
Drivers who sit with their foot on the brake pedal with high viz brake lights at junctions when they know they aint going anywhere for at least 3 minutes but are quite happy to blind you.
Oh, and people who drive with fog lights on, on a sunny day. Winkers ! :angry:
Traffic lights on islands.GRRRRRR! are you not supposed to give traffic from the right the priority and move when the road is clear ? (as a motorist and cyclist)

Chicken in a basket. :sad:
Worse, soup in a basket ;)


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Unkraut said:
We were walking along the riverside path in York with the family, when ping! and a girl gently cycles by. We got all the kids out of the way and stood still, but she didn't appear to be particularly grateful.
Most annoying .....

I do still acknowledge them, but it's through inwardly gritted teeth...

We have a couple of sets of automatic doors, which swing open, one way, and if you happen to be walking at a reasonable pace, instead of a gnetle amble, they sense you too late, and swing open in your face...

Mr Phoebus

New Member
barq said:
Yeah, I get that a bit at the moment. The sponsorship is getting beyond a joke. There are people I know who have wanted sponsoring for a 5km walk.
WTF ;)

Are some people really so lazy that that seems like a challenge?
mosschops2 said:
That Sian Lloyd - perfectly nice lady I'm sure - but used to drive me nuts with those wierd hand movements.

Watch next time!!!!
i quite like hand movements that drive my nuts! ;)


New Member
mosschops2;35877][quote name= said:
Men who ride bikes with short shorts on and anoraks, thus giving the impression that they are naked underneath.

What??!!! LOL!!! Priceless!!

Do you kind of hope they are, and they're just teasing you???!!;)[/QUOTE]

I'd likely punch the air in victory at my annoyance of this all these years being validated finally, only then to realise that I'd be celebrating a hideous occurrence.

On a similar note, there's an older bloke (mid 50s I'd guess) who jogs past me every morning and he has a rain jacket that is almost exactly the same length as his shorts. It's rank.


New Member
1) People who talk with their mouthfull of food
2) People who let me down
3) Inconsiderate CHAV types
4) Cats that crap on my lawn
5) Rip off Britain
6) Idiots playing loud Rap music in cars with th ewindows down
7) Greed
8) Footballers who spit on the pitch
9) People who say..."Am I bovvered?"
10) Talentless people slating talented people
11) The wind
12) TV Soaps
13) being judged on how I look
14) RapPers
15) People who smoke withinh a mile of me
16) Women who wear a bra under very thin dress straps (as if it would hide them)
17) Cosmetic TV ads 'now with added Pro 7X formula'
18) Jack Russel dogs
19) Owners of Jack Russel dogs
20) White van man
21) Boxing
22) Computers and PC helplines
23) PC World
24) Corporate bully boy managers with small dicks and big cars
25) Power dressing women
26) Noisey neighbours
27) Nosey neighbours
28) The expectation from society to achieve
29) People who cannot control their dogs and children
30) The cost of guitar strings
31) Graham Norton
32) The 'it's oh so trendy to be Gay brigade on TV'
33) Parsnips in my food when I wasnt expecting them
34) Shopping
35) Fat people who blame anybody but themselves for their problem
36) Idiots who take and push drugs
37) The ridiculous two hour check in period at the airport these days just so we have to spend a fortune in the airport shopping centre
38) Little Britain
39) Teenagers with no respect who use the word 'repect'
40) The Internet filth freely available to kids
41) The overcrowding on the underground in London
42) ....I could go on but I'll save you the pain.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Bigtallfatbloke said:
33) Parsnips in my food when I wasnt expecting them

This one made me laugh! I like parsnips myself, but it's the idea of them being unexpected that's funniest...


New Member
39) Teenagers with no respect who use the word 'repect'

Is that worse than respec??!!

Along the parsnips line - the peanuts in Revels.

(I even like the coffee and orange ones - it's the peanuts that get me down. If I had wanted peanuts I'd have bought yellow M&Ms.)

Also on revels - the fact that the minstrels aren't real ones!!!!
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