Richard Nixon. Much maligned, but I reckon he was an alright geezer. You didn't catch him blacking his face up or pressuring the judiciary not to prosecute one of his mates.
Edit - I thought Mudsticks was talking to himself, but it seems i'd somehow ignored the Claud and his ramblings weren't visible. Now fixed. I must apologise in advance to Mudsticks for the men in white coats that are about to cart him off. Sorry, my bad.
Fret not
@mudsticks is currently residing in an undisclosed location in deepest darkest rainy Galicia.
They'll never find me here..
It only took me eight days on the road..
And I've not even got an EHIC to fund my psychiatric treatment so I'm safe for the moment.
Tbh I might just claim political asylum, if the current Brexit omnishambles continues to chunter on as per usual..
I'm really getting a trifle tired of apologising, in bad Spanish, for my fellow country peoples, and their errant ways..