Things I now know not to do next time

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Legendary Member
Never carry your cable lock in the opened position.
I know someone who snapped his lock shut at his destination before realising he had left the key at home.:whistle:
I always lock the car no matter how long I'm leaving it for. I once pulled into a layby busting for a pee, grabbed the keys, pushed the plunger down on the door lock, and then held the handle so that the door wold lock as I shut it.
Then I looked in my hand and saw that I had a bunch of keys minus the ignition key, which had come off the ring and was still in the ignition switch. So there I was, stood in the middle of nowhere, shirt sleeves, in the middle of winter..............

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
If you have clipless pedals and take the bike on the car to the start if a ride, take your matching clipless shoes as well.


nothing in moderation
From yesterday - having taken the cassette off etc to replace a broken spoke, remember to replace the plastic thingy that goes between the cassette and the wheel before putting everything back together and finding the extra bit on the table.
you don’t need it, if you mean a pie plate rather than a spacer for a 9 speed cassette on a 10 speed hub...
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