Things about Christmas you positively hate

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Is it family members you hate but have to be nice to, buying presents, receiving crap presents, the weather, there isn't any public transport, it goes dark at 4pm, the TV repeats, turkey, brussel sprouts, Christmas pudding, mince pies, that Italian fruit cake that's as dry as a pumice stone, cheap sherry, packed supermarkets full of idiots buying loads of food they'll never eat....whatever it is, please feel free to moan, rant, complain etc etc!! 🧐

But other than that, what have the Romans ever done for us?



Why, thank you. I love mint humbugs.


I don't hate it specifically but my wife goes away over the top with it all.
Too much food, too many presents and most of both of those are tbh, pretty poor quality.
Food, mass produced muck, sugar saturated, sweet, most of it of very dubious nutritional value and not even that tasty. Dont get me wrong, I dont eat perfectly but it's a tsunami of rubbish.
Toys, the grandkids have got sooo much already, much of which they've either rarely or never really shown any interest in. What have 'we' done ?...gone and brought bags and bags of the same kind of stuff that'll probably see the same fate.
Too much stuff, too much choice for them to really appreciate it (imho)

Personally I'd buy them a few REALLY good things..but sadly my opinion doesn't matter 😀

Nevertheless, they will be happy and that's what matters.


I hate that the media and society portray it as this wonderful time when everyone is having a wonderful Christmas time and dismiss people who Scrooge, Grinch or whatever.

I find it a really lonely time. I feel obliged to go to my parents for Christmas but my brother is there and doesn't speak to me. I hate it. The other alternative is to sit here in my flat on my own.

Then there are many who are struggling financially, the people who have lost loved ones, and many others who are simply not having a wonderful Christmas time for whatever reason.

I never really enjoyed it even when young. We used to be joined by a cousin of my Mum's and him and my Dad always drank ridiculous amounts and got hopelessly drunk by dinner time and my brother just bullied me and took my selection boxes and any money relatives might have put in my Christmas cards. My Granny also died on Christmas morning.

I can't wait until it's all over (and the same goes for new year).
Presents - except kids and possibly partners

most are for people you would never give a present to normally
so you have to think about what to get them and then get it

and all the time - left to themselves they would buy something different

and on that note - approaching Christmas there are always several things I want to get for myself but can't just in case someone buys me something similar and then I have 2 and have to work out which to use

for example - several years ago I bought some nice warm cycling gloved
at Christmas I found my wife had bought me some - not knowning that the ones I was using were specific cycling ones

so not I have to use the ones she bought - which are actually great - but I already had some but I have to keep this secret from her!!!

The other side of this is that sometime someone who knows you well buys you something you really want but don;t know you want yet

for example - my wife also bought a pair of cycling shoes - sort of MTB ones that work on any type of pedal, including flat

which are actually much better for cycling that the shoes I was wearing before
but I didn;t know you could get cycling shoes that were quite as general purpose as these - never occurred to me to look!!!
Accy cyclist

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I find it a really lonely time. I feel obliged to go to my parents for Christmas but my brother is there and doesn't speak to me. I hate it. The other alternative is to sit here in my flat on my own.
Which is what I'll be doing. I was supposed to be going to a friend's house, along with 3 more friends, but the one we were supposed to be visiting backed out the other day, saying it'll be too much hassle for her, so they're all going to a pub for a 65 quid a head Christmas dinner instead. There's no point in me going as being a vegetarian I'm not paying that much for a plate of veg', plus I'm not a big eater, so I couldn't force 3 courses down. I'd also have to pay for a taxi there and back which will be another 40 or so quid. The others said I could join them after their meal, in the pub's bar for 2 or so hours before the place closes at 5pm. I said I would do, but I don't fancy it now, so I'm going to tell them I'm going to a neighbour's instead, so they won't worry about me being on my own.
Being alone depends on who you are and your mood

Only time I have been alone was one of the best Christmases I have had

I had just splkit up with my ex - my parents had died recently and their house had been sold

and I had just found a lovely ex-council house in a small Welsh village that was up for rent
and had just mostly moved in

so I just set everything up as much as I needed
bought a pack of cheap cards and put them on the mantlepiece - blank inside
got a cheap Christmas tree a shop was trying to get rid of on Christas Eve

and got a small turkey breast and everythign else

woke up Christmas morning and had a nice breakfast as planned and went for a long walk up the valley
It had snowed overnight and I walked up the valley side and along to the head then down to the waterfall

It was lovely - only met one person until I got to the waterfall then met more as I walked back down the normal track to the village

Probably dangerous walking up that way but it was lovely

but that was just the mood I was in - it was a relief to get away from the demands and expectation of other people (especially my ex)

and I have always worked well on my own - until I don't!

but it all depends - not sure I would want to be alone every Christmas - that one I needed it

did have a few drink cooking dinner and a few glasses of wine with dinner
was totally blotto when I went to bed!!!!


Being alone depends on who you are and your mood

Only time I have been alone was one of the best Christmases I have had

I had just splkit up with my ex - my parents had died recently and their house had been sold

and I had just found a lovely ex-council house in a small Welsh village that was up for rent
and had just mostly moved in

so I just set everything up as much as I needed
bought a pack of cheap cards and put them on the mantlepiece - blank inside
got a cheap Christmas tree a shop was trying to get rid of on Christas Eve

and got a small turkey breast and everythign else

woke up Christmas morning and had a nice breakfast as planned and went for a long walk up the valley
It had snowed overnight and I walked up the valley side and along to the head then down to the waterfall

It was lovely - only met one person until I got to the waterfall then met more as I walked back down the normal track to the village

Probably dangerous walking up that way but it was lovely

but that was just the mood I was in - it was a relief to get away from the demands and expectation of other people (especially my ex)

and I have always worked well on my own - until I don't!

but it all depends - not sure I would want to be alone every Christmas - that one I needed it

did have a few drink cooking dinner and a few glasses of wine with dinner
was totally blotto when I went to bed!!!!

I go home mainly to please my parents and I'm aware that they won't be there forever and Dad's health really isn't great at all.

If I wasn't doing that, I'd go for a long bike ride or a long coastal hike or something and skip the big meal.
I go home mainly to please my parents and I'm aware that they won't be there forever and Dad's health really isn't great at all.

If I wasn't doing that, I'd go for a long bike ride or a long coastal hike or something and skip the big meal.

yes - I used to do that for many years

if I was alone now I would visit the grand kids and sister-in-law the come home and go for a bike ride for as long as the bike battery would last then have dinner in the evening
I would still like the proper dinner - but on my own I could just do it for when it is convenient to me
Accy cyclist

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I went to a nearby pub/bar last Christmas Day, just to say I'd had some interaction on Christmas Day as opposed to no human contact all day. God, it was horrible! They were all tanked up and most were the owner's family so I felt like I was intruding. I spent my hour in there working out a way to leave without a fuss. I had two pints then just got up, said "see you later", without any reply from them and walked out. I haven't been back since and don't intend to do so. :unsure:


Legendary Member
I don't actually hate it but I am aged 77 and never celebrated it in my life** (my parents stopped when I was 10** when they got religion).
Now, my daughter and family have moved in to my house. They are really into Christmas so I am obliged to be part of it. They have 3 adult children so I have put cash in envelopes for each of them.
I would honestly read a book, watch a couple od DVDs (TV is truly sh*te) but I can't be that ignorant.
Fortunately I can honestly say, I love my family and the grand children are good company so that is a saving grace.
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