Things about Christmas you like. This is not for the Grinches of the forum.

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Über Member
when I add up the value of all my presents and it is greater than what I have spent !

Seriously though, I just like Christmas always have, especially the bits when just me and the wife are at home, which is pretty much what happens over the rest of the year, but xmas just seems to make it that bit more special, (not quite sure why but it does)

and I get a week off from riding that bike.


Legendary Member
Family. Danish, English and Mexican. We all get on great. 😁😁

Long walks.

Daft games and dafter prizes.


Legendary Member
Home made traditions. We started making a salmon dish with a tomato salsa and dauphinoise potatoes which I cooked slowly while everyone else went carol singing on Christmas Eve. We had our scaled down version tonight and the son has just made the same for his partner in their house.


Leg End Member
It's acceptable to eat my own bodyweight in chocolate :hungry:
Plain or milk chocolate?
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