I can believe that; quite a few people these days do not even know how to fill up the windscreen washers, let alone check for anything else.
That's very much the truth. And I have some sympathies. Why should they know? I try not to expect a level of knowledge from anyone, no matter what subject* (Easier said than done, I know) So I consider it very much possible that someone could run the tyres to the point of baldness without being aware. That said, as a rule, people tend to be aware of their limited knowledge - and that's partly why MOTs exist, to cater for that lack of knowledge.
I know of someone who called out the recovery service out for their car - it had a flat battery. They had another car, and a set of jump leads. They also have a sloped driveway which their car was parked at the top of. They pay for a recovery service so why not use it - was their thinking. They're not alone. I guess you just shrug your shoulders if you don't get that way of thinking.
*Due to my background in computers, I tend to get calls from people asking for help with their PCs, internet connections, smartphone, tablets etc. The things that people don't know/understand is sometimes surprising (and I'm not being arrogant, I'm truly not) I do sometimes wonder how they have managed to muddle through so far - but the fact is that they have, so... you take from that whatever you will.