The Transcontinental Race 2013

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And James Jordan has banked, and is now on his final approach, ready to land at Rumelihisari International...
And Juliana is trailing Nicholas along? The railway track of course! What was that about 'Brief Encounterism'?

Go, you lot! :smile:

Meanwhile, JJ missed a right turn, and has done a mini-Rimas and given himself a few more kms to the flag. 40 odd kms to go.
Brian is singing operatic arias to himself, whiling away the kilometres to Roseto degli Abruzzi. It looks lovely there, and I suspect he might well avail himself of a serving of brodetto di pesce or somesuch. I would be useless after lunch because 'when in Rome'...I would find the local vintage irresistible, and 'Transconrace 2013' would have to wait until the morrow! :tongue:
How do I know this? Google-fu of course, 'pal'! Here's the site...but don't let it distract you from affairs of the heart (of Europe) elsewhere...
And Rimas. Making good progress now, Tuesday 13th August in England at 11:42 - 317kms to go. I'm still anticipating a Wednesday morning arrival - he's going to be hitting some 90F + temperatures from now on...we had better get under the umberella in the beer garden - wouldn't want to overheat eh?

Go Rimas!

rich p

ridiculous old lush
Rimas has eschewed the obvious road to Zagortsi (was that a Bing & Bob film?) - he must know something I don't. Well, who doesn't in fairness.
Yes - welcome, Team Rimas - men of erudition...we'll get him there (and hopefully get ourselves notoriety en route). Did you know that Istanbul held one of the original 'Lunch Beats'? It was held at Klup Kulah in May last year and 164 people attended. Do you dance with your lunchbox, Rich?(or just lounge on the bed? :laugh:) Anyway, Lunch Beat has a manifesto, and a FaceAche page, but there are no events upcoming in Istanbul this week, which is a shame. Never mind.
Go go Rimas!
Rimas has eschewed the obvious road to Zagortsi (was that a Bing & Bob film?) - he must know something I don't. Well, who doesn't in fairness.

Do you think he's going to ride along the coastline? :rolleyes: I think Rimas likes a drop of river to accompany him on his rides...Soon he'll be in Sredets if he carries on Eastbound. If he had a mobile on him, he could perhaps give us a 'Sredets tweet' ^_^ but then again...:blush:
Progress so far today for the 'Nomad with the Gonads' - Rimas at 13:15 BST
Rimas quarter past one UK.JPG

Notice his 'waypoint' distance has increased! :smile:

rich p

ridiculous old lush
Yes - welcome, Team Rimas - men of erudition...we'll get him there (and hopefully get ourselves notoriety en route). Did you know that Istanbul held one of the original 'Lunch Beats'? It was held at Klup Kulah in May last year and 164 people attended. Do you dance with your lunchbox, Rich?(or just lounge on the bed? :laugh:) Anyway, Lunch Beat has a manifesto, and a FaceAche page, but there are no events upcoming in Istanbul this week, which is a shame. Never mind.
Go go Rimas!
"Do us a solid: dance your pants off at the next Lunch Beat" - Rimas had better put some clean kecks on then!
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