The Times on our side...

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Signed and MP letter sent...


Senior Member
Yes, really good that a national paper is taking this on. Very tragic story of its reporter who is still in a coma. One question - I'm sure Boris and other politicians read the Times but what about the lorry drivers and white van man (who regularly drive in cycle lanes and turn left across us cyclists) - will they be influenced by this?

I agree its good to get the message of cyclist's safety out on a National level. Signed and MP letter sent.

Getting the politicians aware must be a good thing, they are the ones who can make a difference in ensuring better provision of cycling infrastructure, or some thought for cyclist at road junctions.


Yes I can, Yes I am, Yes I did...Repeat.
Dear Tim Loughton,

I want to draw your attention to the aggressive and in some cases 'murderous' attitude many drivers (especially vans) take towards cyclists on the roads here. Hardly a day goes by for me without some kind of aggression being directed at me by drivers simply because they dont like me as a cyclist. This includes verbal abuse, throwing things at me (coke bottles etc), I have had my 'rear end' slapped by a passender and even had my pannier rack pulled by a passenger! Then there is the appalling standard of driving, in many cases showing a total disregard for the safty of cyclists, and in some cases deliberately antagonistic driving!
It is time drivers were 'educated' to refrain from their unacceptable behaviour. I want to know what is being done about this? I suspect nothing?

Thankyou for listening and for your help

Yours sincerely,



Legendary Member
Good to see.

Without detracting from that, why does it always seem to take a direct involvement for these mighty organs to take up worthwhile causes? I'm thinking the Daily Mail weighing in over Stephen Lawrence.....after Paul Dacre was reminded that his father was that nice fellow who'd done some building work at his house, and now The Times taking up the cause of cyclists - after one of their reporters gets knocked off.

I suppose it's just the way these things go, but it does make me at least wonder sometimes.
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