The thoughtless few

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Legendary Member
The most bizarre fly-typing I see is when people have drive a considerable distance into the countryside to dump a sofa, when surely driving to the dump must be closer. I just don't get it !

And another thing ! Why oh why do people collect up their dog's shoot in a plastic bag, then hang it from a branch ?


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Someone with a big stick needs to start waving it about!


Cracking a solo.
Nope ... still don't get it,
Because it gives the unscrupulous a big advantage, I'm not saying I agree with it, but I understand it. If you don't give a monkeys and you can undercut your opposition by not giving a monkeys, you'll take it.

most clients of these folk wouldn't pick them if they knew this was going to happen, or for that matter, even consider using them in the first place.
If you really believe that then you are being extremely naive. People will call, for example, a company to clear their garden waste, they will get say three quotes, almost all will go with the cheapest. They will not ask to see a waste carrying license nor will they enquire as to where their rubbish is going to be disposed, they will look at the least expensive option. The cheapest doesn't automatically mean its being fly tipped of course, but the clients concern is that the rubbish is not on their property anymore, after that it's somebody elses problem. People pick the cheapest, then they shake their heads in disbelief when they end up with horse burgers.


Legendary Member
It's horrible behaviour, I see loads of it round here, and other litter too, including gel packets and energy bar wrappers. Today I saw two carrier bags with litter in, the criminal took the trouble to put the crap in a carrier, then tie it in a knot, then throw it out of the vehicle. Why not just take it home?

I also saw a lot of police tape around what was the scene of an accident, all the accident debris was gone, but the muppets left the tatty old police tape flapping about the bushes. Twunts!


North Essex
As the origonal threader, I now wonder what the most random thing you have seen tipped at the side of the road. Not having a great deal of time today I decided to do a little 7 mile loop that makes use of the local towns cycle paths. I've not been round the whole loop since last year as I am not a great fan of the condition of our cycle paths, nor the fact that they go past a number of schools, but under the circumstances, I thought it would make a change. So, bearing in mind this was a cycle path with, in theory, no vehicular access, I was gob smacked to see a three cornered bath dumped at the side of the tarmac. If it had been manhandled to its position, at least 3 people would have to have been involved, and if not, what sort of person DRIVES down a cycle path. So, this made me think, Whats the most random or unusual thing seen at the side of the road/path ?


Girl from the North Country
Though I'd rather people didn't dump this stuff in the first place it is very easy to report it via (you can also report potholes, lights out etc.) In most cases the councils round here respond to reports very quickly.


Had a great ride today. When I started, the sun was warm on my back and my I Pod had a Steppenwolf/Led Zep

Sorry, I ceased taking you seriously and stopped reading at that point ;)

I'm sometimes surprised at how remote some of the places that people fly tip are. They must have driven miles just to dump illegally.

Around here, road side waste is usually cigarette packets, lager/cola cans and plastic fizzy drink bottles - the sort of stuff that gets lobbed out of windows. I really don't understand why when most every town/village centre has a bin somewhere.
Tips and recycling centres are not for trade waste, therefore if you have a truck or a van you need to get permits from the local council. I drive a van (not for work but for lugging around bikes) and I have to use these permits even when it's for just my household/ garden waste.

I'm not excusing fly tipping tho, there is a regular drop off by me. You would have thought someone would be able to identify the culprits.

Yep, they don't even let some 4x4s into the one near us. Friend has a Mitsubishi Warrior, and when he went there after clearing out his house they wouldn't let him in!


Über Member
One long term favourite always seems to be disposable nappies, always seem to be in the pretty little spots where you might stop for a rest and look at the view. Not as big as a bath or a bed but nasty if you stand in it.
I have a van. Our LA allow access to tip only if its not sign written and you have a domestic van permit. It's free but allows a set number of visits a year. I think you can pay for one if it is sign written, however I rarely have mine checked and the lovely tip guys don't really mind as long as you are polite.
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