The Spiders have moved out of my garage since...

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Legendary Member
Now I thought this thread was a genuine way to get rid of spiders.

If it's you have an old pair of shoes I could have, BOAB?


I have got rid of all the spiders in my house. haven't seen anything over 1/2" in years. It takes a lot of work but it can be done.
First thing to think about is spiders can get through unbelievably small gaps and holes.
Second thing they hunt and move about at night time.
So keep all windows shut as far as possible especially at night. (if you use a lamp and saw the size of spiders crawling around the walls on the outside of your house in the dark you'd never open another window believe me.)

I pin or tape some invisible fly screen mesh over any window I like to keep open ,especially in the summer. This has the added advantage in keeping flies out.

I have placed some adhesive backed draft strip around all my windows wether they open or not this has sealed all the gaps. Some windows I have sealed with white or clear bathroom silicon.

I have put draft strips around all my doors and placed tight fitting strips of wood against the bottom of the door.
I slept in my kitchen for a few weeks once when I broke my back. I could not believe the number of spiders that crawled under the front and rear garden doors every night. Some nights up to 4x spiders.

Lastly take a silicon gun around the kitchen and bathroom sealing every tiny crack or gap around the bath panel,WC pan ,waste pipes etc.
Many spiders hide under dressors, cookers, washing machines,fridges etc I've actually sealed the base of all mine with clear polythene sheet taped to the bottom of my white goods

Its taken a lot of work but I now have a spider free house year round. Only seen 4-5 small ones this year and they came in from the grass in the summerwhen the garden door was left open.

I hate spiders :cry::blush:


Legendary Member
peanut said:
I hate spiders :wacko::blush:

You do a bit don't you :cry:

I'm not a big fan of anything with more than four legs but will tolerate spiders as long as they leave me alone.

If they start getting all aggressive and throwing their weight around I ask them to step outside and then if that doesn't work I just throw them out.


Legendary Member
peanut said:
I have got rid of all the spiders in my house. haven't seen anything over 1/2" in years. It takes a lot of work but it can be done.
First thing to think about is spiders can get through unbelievably small gaps and holes.
Second thing they hunt and move about at night time.
So keep all windows shut as far as possible especially at night. (if you use a lamp and saw the size of spiders crawling around the walls on the outside of your house in the dark you'd never open another window believe me.)

I pin or tape some invisible fly screen mesh over any window I like to keep open ,especially in the summer. This has the added advantage in keeping flies out.

I have placed some adhesive backed draft strip around all my windows wether they open or not this has sealed all the gaps. Some windows I have sealed with white or clear bathroom silicon.

I have put draft strips around all my doors and placed tight fitting strips of wood against the bottom of the door.
I slept in my kitchen for a few weeks once when I broke my back. I could not believe the number of spiders that crawled under the front and rear garden doors every night. Some nights up to 4x spiders.

Lastly take a silicon gun around the kitchen and bathroom sealing every tiny crack or gap around the bath panel,WC pan ,waste pipes etc.
Many spiders hide under dressors, cookers, washing machines,fridges etc I've actually sealed the base of all mine with clear polythene sheet taped to the bottom of my white goods

Its taken a lot of work but I now have a spider free house year round. Only seen 4-5 small ones this year and they came in from the grass in the summerwhen the garden door was left open.

I hate spiders :evil::blush:'re a professional. I can learn SO much from you!!


Legendary Member
palinurus said:
Thankfully my cat does.

I think I prefer spiders to the thought of cats eating them :evil:

I've trained mine not to eat them, or at least do it when I'm not there.

Saddle bum

Über Member
Leave fresh conkers around the skirting boards, they don't like them. It has worked for us, or more especially SWMBO, who goes into hysterics when one appears.


Saddle bum said:
Leave fresh conkers around the skirting boards, they don't like them. It has worked for us, or more especially SWMBO, who goes into hysterics when one appears.

yep one look at a conker and they run straight out of the house :evil::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

I have to do this . I have a phobia about spiders and it was flinching when one ran over my foot that damaged my spine. I couldn't stand or walk for 4 months and its taken 4 years to learn to walk again.


BigonaBianchi said:
In Kenya we had a bird eating spider in our room...huge thing bigger than my hand...hairy and

Oh well, I slept last night. Coffee. Torch. Shoe.


BigonaBianchi said:
In Kenya we had a bird eating spider in our room...huge thing bigger than my hand...hairy and

:smile::ohmy::ohmy: was it a pet / or did it have you all trapped in there ?

You cannot be serious surely ....:laugh:

Mr Pig

New Member
peanut said:
I have got rid of all the spiders in my house. It takes a lot of work ..... but I now have a spider free house year round.

Or you could just spray this:

On skirting boards, windows, under units and anywhere else Incey and his pals like to hang out. One step to no bugs of 'any' kind!


New Member
I lived in Australia until I was 11 so have no real fear of spiders (other than small ones with a red back). Mrs Merlin does and normally has to ask me or my son to dispose of any creepy crawly.

I will confess however that if it were snakes I would be screaming like a girl. I hate snakes, really hate them. So glad I live here were you don't see them that often.

Snakes {shudders}
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