I have to say, there are a few of the modern rules I don't like, that being one of them. I understand why it is there, but it is very harsh in that sort of circumstance.
I also hate the new rule giving a goal line drop out when the ball is held up over the line. Much too big an advantage to the defenders IMO.
And I don't know hoe long it has been in place, since you don't see it very often, but allowing a player who wasn't 10 yards back when a penalty was taken to becomes eleigible because another of his players plays him onside? When I was playing, you had to retreat to 10 yards back (or behind the goal line if that was closer) before you were allowed to take any part in the play.
When I saw that, I was expecting a yellow card and penalty try, then it was actually a goal line drop out because somebody who had been behind the line came to in front of the player who wasn't???