The right way to pass other cyclists....

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Ben M

Senior Member
On the road I just pass them nice and wide.

If I'm on my road bike, usually I switch from the drops to the bar tops just before I pass, just to rub it in their face that I am a machine.

If I'm on the mtb with slicks, then they should be embarrassed enough :tongue:


Squat Member
I try and say morning or evening but usually this comes out alot louder than normal, have had one or two people jumping out of their skin, mus'nt be used to being overtaken I guess.


Über Member
I personally like to get a courtesy bing before being overtaken. The Uxbridge Road (my route to work) has many potholes and hazards to be negotiated and occasionally swerved around so it really p*****s me off when people whizz past me while very close hoping I won't notice. I guy came so close the other day that I nearly smacked him one when I caught him up at the lights. Oh and give some space before pulling back into the cycle lane, don't just assume I'm going very slowly and cut me up, it's very annoying.


New Member
At the moment it's me being passed! So far the guys passing have just whizzed past as if their cruising at about 5mph+ more than me! I would like to think that when I do pass someone I'll give a friendly nod and a polite Hello.



Legendary Member
blazed said:
Whats the point of saying thanks for letting me past? He is riding and probably doesnt even know you are passing he isnt going out of his way to let you past.

common courtesy


Well-Known Member
I find peddaling in the lowest cadence possible adds to my own sense of self satisfaction - theres somting very sweet about gliding past a cyclist who is standing up on the pedals, cycling like mad, whilst I myself am just "pootling along" at 25mph, with ass on seat.


I don't say anything, just make sure there are no cars behind and leave loads of space to allow swerving for potholes etc. If I'm somewhere where there's no space (like a cycle path) I just grit my teeth and bear it and stay behind until I hit the open road again!

Although if I was on a single lane cycle path which went on for miles I'd wait til I was noticed and then say cheers as I went past. I don't like using a bell (and don't have one) as I find the noise of them really rude for some reason - the "bing" sound just seems like "get out of my way" to me!


+1. Seems obvious to me: the answer to the OP is - carefully, considerately, and leaving plenty of room. Ultimately, 'in such a way as to cause no distress or alarm, much less danger, to anyone - self included."
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