When I were a lad... a friend was driving a bunch of us down to Plymouth. We were bombing down the motorway at 100+ mph (yes, I know... we were young and stupid!

) and the overhead signs started displaying a reduced speed limit, which got lower sign by sign. I suggested that doing 100 mph when the limit was (say) 30 mph was really not a good idea?
Smart alec driver mate (who worked on motorway maintenance at the time) started to make his excuses... "
I see these warning signs every day at work. There is never anything there, somebody just forgets to switc..... SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET!!!!!"
He had just spotted a lorry driver standing in the outside lane ahead of us, holding a plank of wood just like in the sign above. Evidently, the lorry had shed some of its load and the brave (but foolish) driver was trying to move it before it caused an accident.
Travelling sideways at 90, 80, 70, 60 ... mph in a car whose tyres are billowing smoke, towards a man rooted to the spot in fear only becomes fun once the car has swerved around the man at the last possible moment! We slowed to 30 mph and stuck to the speed limits for the rest of our trip...