The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
Thats interesting, and annoying. I redecorated in here a couple of months ago, I noticed after the hot spell had finished that a section of paper on the back chimney breast had lifted, annoying, normally if I stick it down it stays stuck. I mixed up some more paste and stuck it down, looked at it the following day and not all of it had stuck down, I repeated it and again and again more had stuck down but not all, repeated again and the same thing has happened and I've still got a small edge that hasn't stuck down. :sad::wacko:
Get some PVA.....that is almost certain to work.
Did you size the wall properly before decorating ?


Legendary Member
Another hortiwhatsit question.
What are the lovely flowers. They are small and buttercuppy but much longer stems. 528861

Decided to ignore the forecasts and head out anyway, took the mtb for another wander into the Pentlands. Was rewarded by not only yet another calling cuckoo but, far better than that, a good view of a ring ouzel, only the third I’ve ever seen :smile:
Certainly glad I went out !
Currently watching a recently fledged jackdaw being fed by a parent in front of the patio windows.


Legendary Member
First flowers on my runner beans appeared overnight. ^_^

View attachment 528849

Warning frost forecast for tonight.Only joking.One of my favourite summer vegetables.My mother always served them with white sauce


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
On my recent trip to the mainland I noticed a lot more cyclists and quite a few children out cycling as it was a nice day for it. One thing which I did notice tho' was that a surprising number of them were travelling at maximum speed as if they were racing. I can understand this on the open road but in a town with other traffic it seemed a bit dodgy One came at me very suddenly from a side street as the pedestrian lights had stopped traffic just before the junction. He came full pelt down the side street about 25 yards from me and into the right hand lane as I was about to turn right and then immediately left. Fortunately I saw him in time but a potentially nasty pile up.
As I was waiting in the ferry queue there were a surprising number taking a short cut through the terminal area again at excessive speeds in an area with traffic and pedestrians wandering around. I sometimes begin to sympathise with the poor downtrodden motorists who complain about cyclists.
Don't bother shouting at me as I am only putting this out as a random observation.
@Poacher @Dirk
Years ago me and MrsD decided to learn/study wild flowers. We do a bit of bird watching and it makes the walks so interesting.
We got the most basic but decent book we could in order to learn. We quickly gave up. There are so many small flowers that look identical.
Me too ! There was one plant in particular that I was seeing in great abundance but I couldn’t find a match for it in any of the 3 wild flower books I have. Eventually I saw it mentioned on an interpretation board at a reservoir car park, pink purslane.
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