The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
I fell asleep yesterday evening. Woke up at 4 still wearing my tracky bottoms and socks. Managed to doze off but got up at 05.30.
So......forecast for today WAS heavy rain with thunder and lightning. This morning it has changed to occasional light can they get it so wrong in 12 hours?

Got it wrong yesterday ,forecast rain for 2 PM No rain all day Can’t complain Mrs P got the new gate painted and I annihilated a few weeds.

Forecast for today light winds and gentle showers Along with a yellow weather warning. Now where did I put that seaweed.


Legendary Member
Just been back to bed. Only 45 minutes but blimey I slept so heavy with vivid dreams..... you know the ones that seem so real.
1st one, Sue was with me. It upset me to wake up and find that she wasn't.
2nd one makes little sense. I was sat on the chair and the daughters little dog was on my lap. It's a nice dog but not enough to dream about.
Anyway, glad I had the kip as I was flagging.
About to have breckie of waffle, suasage and fried egg.


Legendary Member
Still raining here so I jumped on the Wattbike and headed over to France for a spin. :laugh:

Screenshot 2024-05-26 at 11.20.01.png


Started young, and still going.
We've had some heavy showers, and then followed by warm sunshine, and then repeat. It is persisting down at the moment. :rain: :rain:
I've bought myself a nice thick ribeye steak which I shall have with a jacket potato and salad.
I purchased MrsP Sea Bass fillets as she is not really a red meat eater, she'll have salad with those. :hungry:
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Leg End Member
Both of those sound nice to me.
The sunshine and showers?


Dug out " Graham " my posh Brommie and gave it a thorough going over, even using some of those furniture polishing disposable cloths on the paintwork. Took it out for a spin and decided to cut things short as my knee started complaining. I headed down the trailway and it was far muddier than I expected. Needs a good cleaning...
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