This Devon cottage is doing my head in...
literally! I have walloped my head on low door frames about 20 times now. I feel like wandering about wearing my cycling helmet, but apart from looking daft, it also makes me even taller and therefore more likely to collide.
When I remember to, I walk around in a stoop, but that is aggravating my bad back.
Just awaiting in for the big family reunion now. I was hoping to sneak a quick ride in beforehand but it wasn't possible. I'm hoping that they may want to watch the football later and that the big meal is planned for after the game finishes. If so, my pal Carrie and I will nip out and do 25-30 km of Devon lanes.
Before the guests arrive and need to be escorted to the rear garden, I am trying to sort out a gunged up (by software) laptop. It has over 60% CPU usage all of the time, and sometimes 90-100% even when just sat there supposedly doing nothing. It had multiple competing antivirus products so I have now sent McAfee to join its maker... I am currently busy doing a big Win10 upgrade, having noticed that the last attempt was in 2020 and that had failed! Ah - the big download is complete at last. I had better get back to it.
Catch you later!