You lot are still doing your pro cycling spoilers! Fortunately, in this case I watched the stage highlights
BEFORE checking out this thread!
I got a nice lumpy Devon ride in yesterday with my cycling pal. We had aimed to do 50 km but I promised to get back in time to help prepare the evening meal so we took a shortcut once I noticed our average speed dropping. We then got back only 3 minutes later than promised.
Today we cycled to Exeter in overcast, cool conditions, then took the excellent cycle path to Exmouth to check out my niece's new house.
Exeter looks like the kind of place I could enjoy living in. Big enough to to be interesting, small enough not to be scary, easy to safely escape from by bike, wonderful scenery all around, and good rail links...
The weather turned on us as we arrived in Exmouth. We got wet trying to find the right road. There was an amusing but embarrassing incident when we stood in a doorway to shelter from the rain while asking Google for directions. We heard someone ask very politely if we would mind not standing on their doorstep because they were trying to get out of the rain!

We soon found out where we had gone wrong and called in at chez niece. It is a doer-upper, and quite a challenge for a single woman in her mid-20s, but it will be great once the work is finished.
It stopped raining while we were there but started drizzling again as we set off back. 5 minutes later it was proper rain. 2 minutes after that it got worse. Within 10 minutes it was absolutely torrential and it stayed like until we had got beyond Exeter. This picture was taken in a brief lull!!!
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If you are wondering why I am wearing long socks... I am not - they are 'compression sleeves'.
If you are wondering why I wear compression sleeves, compare the sizes of my calf muscles... You can clearly see how swollen the one in my damaged left leg is compared to the one on the right. Without compression it gets worse.
One of those rides that you are glad to finish, but also glad to have done. A flat 61 km.