Forgive me for being peckish but what exactly does that mean? You are good at doing what ? You are good because you are a good person ?
When asked " How are you? " It seems to be the norm these days to reply " I am good" . Rubbish, this is meaningless by itself, you should reply " I am well, thank you" and this is what I say when asked. Doesn't anyone speak proper English anymore or just foreigners like me?
Rant over thank you.
I have some agreement with you on this but not entirely.
I might well answer "Good" or "Good, thanks." and my response if I'm feeling under the weather could be "Not so good" or "Pretty shite really" depending on how off colour I am. Often I'd use those if I'm feeling fed up to some degree.
I think language evolves but some change I find really irritating. "Like" and "OMG" really get me going. I actually feel OMG is offensive and meaningless. The other thing which gets me is changing word use and then berating those who aren't up to speed. "Woke," "Non-binary," and "Lens" are current pet hates. I also don't like trendy, derogatory descriptions of others "gatekeeper" and "gammon" spring to mind.
That's today's rant over.