Morning folk.
Crashed out early last night and slept well but was up at 0530.
Got some jobs done and slurped a coffee.
Going to take a walk soon. I will then have a bit of breckie (Maybe a shredded wheat). Then off to a) get a key cut**
b) take some 'stuff' to daughters for her to take to MrsD
**Having a full extension we have what was the front door. It has a Yale type lock plus a dead lock. We had somehow lost the keys to the Yale. It suddenly dawned on me yesterday...........if I inadvertently locked it while out side, I can't get back in. I knew we had one somewhere but it took me 2 hours to find it (no,it wasn't with my passport) I am having a couple of spares cut.
My daughter wants a full set..........Justin case !!!! I hope she doesn't need them for a long time