Gosh, so many things to comment on.
My quality track pump is probably 15 years old. It simply won't sit on the valves properly and inflating is very difficult. It's nackered. Bought a cheap £20 job, very similar issue. The Lezyne is superb, nice small head which is placed on the valve and screws in to release the valve core. Very smooth pump stroke.
I've a lot of Lezyne kit now, frame pumps, lights, multi-tool, track pump, saddle bag. They've become my "go to" brand for quality kit.
@Mo1959 glad to read you've finally got the Spa out. You'll fall in love with titanium.
@12boy I agree about body shape. This is my usual guide. I can both see and feel when I'm "right." At the moment I definitely feel overweight. I know 69.5-70kg is about the right level and is my best riding weight. Any less and I get what I call "old man's skin" - all saggy. Horrible. I need to shift 2.5kg.
@Dave7 - well there's good and not so good news there. This level of care is hard to get. My advice would be not to say "I can do that" to anything as SS will let you do it - unpaid. Paint an honest and accurate picture of what Mrs D needs help with. My experience is getting a reassessment on these things is tough.
@Tenkaykev I have NHS free hearing aids. I first visited Boots who offered me wonderful kit for £2-3000. Very, very good for the price of a great bike.

My NHS aids are discreet, have an app for control and 4-5 settings for different situations. Admittedly they don't stream TV direct to my ears which the top end Boots one do!!!!!

it's 8⁰ here with a wind chill factor dropping this to 4⁰ on my ride!!!