Hate to post this so late but MrsD has had her scan results.
Sadly 2 problems.
Breast cancer confirmed. They are planning to move quickly but it will be a day or 2 before we know exactly what they will do.
The other problem is compression in the spine. They had planned to transfer her to Liverpool Walton Neuro but then the cancer took precedence .
As I have said.....I am not after sympathy.
Stay strong my friends and sleep well.
Very sorry to read this. It almost mirros the situation my wife was in early last year. She'd been waiting for an operation on her lower spine to put some metalwork around the vertebrae to hold them in position. In January she received a letter giving her a date in February for the operation. Two days later she got the result of a mammogram. They'd found cancer.
The spinal op was delayed while they dealt with the cancer. Luckily it was a very small lump and the cancer had not spread to the lymph nodes. After her radiotherapy was over they rescheduled the operation on her spine. This was done at the start of October. The op went "well" but she woke with almost no movement in her legs. 5 months later she's walking short distances, with the use of a frame. We're hoping this wil. Improve, but it's a slow process. What with Covid as well, she's had a pretty grim year. She's found the isolation from our daughter and granchildren particularly hard. She's been very emotional, not surprising really. Luckily being furloughed was a great help as it meant I was home with her throughout.
The worst part for me was the sense of helplessness. I couldn't cure the cancer, couldn't make her walk or lift her spirits. I could cook for her, bathe her clean he house and all the little everyday things, but not do the one thing that I really wanted, to make her better. Things are starting to look up, but it is still one day at a time.
I wish you both well.