The Retirement Thread

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Started young, and still going.
Bimble done, dog walking done, shopping done, hoovering done.
It's past the yard arm somewhere , so an ale is being imbibed and the Terrano-Adriatica is about to come on the tellybox. :bicycle::bicycle::cheers:

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Just on this....what weather apps do folk here find to be vaguely accurate?
BBC used to be decent enough, but got really bad quite a while back....I think after they stopped using the Met Office, although that doesn't seem much better now....last I looked at Accuweather it seemed more inaccuweather....

The BBC weather map is OK. Climacell seems to be OK as well. But none of them are great.


Legendary Member
I have returned. Shopping done. It was bloomin cold in Newtown.:cold::cold:

I have had a chicken and bacon sarnie
It's 13.4c here and :sun:in the hovel it's 22.3c :smile:
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