Deleted member 1258
I managed a short bimble this morning, scenic route to Meriden and back, rode 25 miles. Waited till the carer had bean and my Good lady had moved to the sofa, made sure she was happy about me going out, made her a cuppa, brought her the biscuit barrel and was on my way. Out of Coventry through Allesly, up Harvest Hill lane, across the Meriden road, down Kinwalsey lane and then left onto the Maxwell road to ride into the outskirts of Meriden, then right on the roundabout towards the A45 then turned down the path down the side of the golf course onto to Hampton lane then left on the roundabout and up Cornets End lane, right towards Berwswell and a regular route home down Cromwell lane Tile hill. A lovely morning for a bike ride, cold at first but warming up nicely as the morning wore on. One thing of interest, as you ride into Coventry on Hodgetts lane, on the right in a field is a Maglev carriage from the old Maglev railway at Birmingham Airport, aparently the fella paid a hundred pounds for it at auction.
View: https://ridewithgps.com/trips/63607463
View: https://ridewithgps.com/trips/63607463
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