We are on the springtime rollercoaster now. 16C today and windy with gusts of 50 mph. Tuesday chance for snow. I have biked for the last 4 days so I will give today a miss. However, there is always some yardwork, Brompton tinkering, yoga, and maybe a trip to the bigbox hardware store for seeds and other crap.
There are some amazingly wheelchairs out there but they aint cheap. I used to take disability claims from people at a large spinal chord injury hospital and the paraplegic folks bought Quickie brand wheelchairs to race in. The difference between these chairs and the heavy steel ones is like the difference between an industrial type gas pipe bike from the 40s and a TDF bike.
I' ve mentioned that in order to forestall diabetes I eschew carbs as much as I can and try to make the ones I do eat unprocessed or unrefined. If I understood some recent posts, a sandwich made of a biscuit, french fries and then potato cnips is a thing? One of those would be several days carb allowance for me. My sandwiches are multigrain bread, sometimes lettuce znd tomato, maybe avocado, but primarily a lot of meat and cheese. Sometimes I skip the bread. Not that I don't like it...freshly made bread, tortillas, scones, biscuits and naan are some of life's chiefest pleasures, especially when slathered in butter.
Be safe and well and enjoy some baked goods for me.