Crikey is everyone else having a lay in? Morning Daves. Morning Paulus. Grey and a bit dismal outside. 4⁰ already though. I notice the birds aren't singing. What do they know that I don't?
I'll do an hour's jigsaw shortly. Probably pop out to buy a new track pump but might ask for CC recommendations first. My good one is nackered and the replacement I bought 5-6 months ago is shite.
Not much else to report. More coffee ☕ I think.
Oh yes. Forgot. The world has gone mad. Utterly crazy. The first ever "tweet" is up for sale in an online auction. The current winning bid is $100,000. Apparently the tweet belongs to Jack Dorsey and is locked in a secure digital vault.
You couldn't make it up. Who are these fruitcakes? I'll happily accept $100,000 for my first ever CC post.