The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
Good morning all,
A misty start to the day here.

Uncle Ernie has paid out again 2x£25👍
First mug of tea being drunk, and contemplating the rest of the day.

I have the back wheel off of the Brompton again as the hub is still very sticky, it may need professional help. :rolleyes:
Good morning Dave,
I replaced our bell a while ago with a wireless one. The receiver plugs into a wall socket ( you get two, I have one in the shed at the bottom of the garden so I can hear the bell if I’m out the back)
The bell push doesn’t need batteries, it uses the piezo electric effect to generate a voltage when it’s pressed, enouth to trigger a wireless pulse. No more flat batteries, ingenious and works well.
We have a shortage of sockets in the conservatory (bad planning) and that is where we live most of the time.
The bell I have "chosen" takes 4 AA batteries. I said 5 as I assumed the bell push would need one but from your comments maybe it won't.


Good morning all,
A misty start to the day here.

Uncle Ernie has paid out again 2x£25👍
First mug of tea being drunk, and contemplating the rest of the day.

I have the back wheel off of the Brompton again as the hub is still very sticky, it may need professional help. :rolleyes:
Oooooooo...........I forgot it's PB day. Back shortly.


Legendary Member
Good morning Dave,


Good morning world. Another hard, hard frost and now clear skies, sunshine and 1⁰C - a beautiful Lancashire day beckons.

Well I was all chipper, fired up, ready to go, motivated, I'd even decided to clean some, not all, windows. Then I popped in here and was reminded it's PB day. Nothing! Zilch! Zero! 😭

Still onwards and upwards. Lots of little jobs to do, possibly an Aldi run (no Sourdough in ours yet - clearly a superior demographic in Todmorden) and perhaps begin the garage clear out.

We may have missed out on PBs but there is great excitement all the same. It's GREEN bin day.....:bravo:


We have a shortage of sockets in the conservatory (bad planning) and that is where we live most of the time.
The bell I have "chosen" takes 4 AA batteries. I said 5 as I assumed the bell push would need one but from your comments maybe it won't.
A lot of the battery powered bells have a small coin cell type battery to keep the bell push compact. They last quite well as they are only powered when the bell push is activated. The only downside is that you can forget to check that it still works ( until you hear someone banging on the door :smile: ) DAMHIKT


Legendary Member
Just had an Email from Marmite announcing Marmite crunchy peanut butter is available in Extra Large jars with a link to Tescos. The email doesn't say what the jar size actually is, just that it's "XL" and the link to Tescos provided in the email doesn't list the product.
I suppose it must sell quite well and I can understand Marmite wanting to expand their product range, but it's poor value as looking at the label it is 90% peanut butter and 10% Marmite at a substantial mark up.

Mrs p has just told mr that M&S are advertising Marmite flavoured hot cross buns.The people that think Marmite needs to be mixed with other products should be made to work in in Ken Dodd jam butter mines
PURE MARMITE FOR EVER:evil::evil::evil:


Legendary Member
Just had a good row with the council. I didn't get anywhere but didn't expect to......just gave me a chance to have a rant.
Green bin renewal......£36.00. OK, don't like it but OK.
Their system won't speak to my lap top or phone so I had to do it by phone.
Day 1......90 SOLID SODDING minutes hanging on.
Day 2 60 SOLID SODDING minutes....then got an answer.
"No problem sir, I will do that for you". bish bash bosh.......5 seconds.
"That is £40 sir.... £4.00 admin charge".
I saw red....I was blazing.
I said "OK, £4.00 for 5 seconds.....I have spent 150 minutes trying to get through....HOW MUCH ARE YOU GOING TO PAY ME FOR THAT!!!!".
I eventually got through to a manager and got nowhere (as expected).
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