The wrist was pretty achy but I managed a little bimbleLovely day and actually quite warm once you get moving......or maybe it's just because I was sweating with being so unfit
You should be careful where you blow your noseI've just cleaned the car, well I had to as it had "green things" growing on it, poor thing needs a bit of TLC
Uncle Phil, York.
Two that stand out.
I wore my wrist support for a good while after I was fired off , it takes up the strain a bit when you lean forward . Your dropped bars on your titanium bike put more pressure on wrists . I taped mine a bit as well , but too tight is not good. I crushed ice in a plastic bag and wrapped it around the wrist after rides as well . Flexing and rotating the wrist through its movement arcs , helps the muscles. Look up wrist strengthening exercises for a weak wrist . It took me a long time to get fully confident on the bike again. Take it handyThe wrist was pretty achy but I managed a little bimbleLovely day and actually quite warm once you get moving......or maybe it's just because I was sweating with being so unfit
He'd probably cycle between the two without a second thought. It's only "that far" on the map, and it's warmer here as well(temperatures in double figure plus numbers).
It would be a while before I could ride on any of your roads because my level of trust of motorists, based on how and what they drive around here, coupled with the road widths, would scare the yellow poo right out of me. A gutless wonder am I. My buddy and I have ridden to the next town about 25 miles away a few times, on a secondary (2 lane) road and people whipping by at 70 mph texting or having had a few beers was offputting.
It's always greener on the other side of the hill...............Well is is if you live in North BaddesleyBeautiful country, Oldwheels.
For a different reason [Parkinson's] my wife had no sense of taste but also no sense of smell which is more alarming in some ways.@Dave7
.......This virus is known to alter/even destroy peoples taste buds. I have been fortunate compared to many BUT one thing I used to really enjoy was a few beers while watching the footy........I just cannot enjoy beer now. I have tried several times, have a few slurps and that's it.
Really not complaining.....lots of people far worse off. "
Dave my missus got covid at beginning of January ( I had no symptoms ,she must have passed it to me but I didnt feel any different and I was not tested as Ireland had too many cases to test then ) Anyway she can only smell vinegar and mustard and identify them with a blindfold on , nothing else.She can't taste any food . There are a few support websites ( on Facebook etc) and some taste therapy to try and bring smell/taste back. One associated with Facebook is" Tasteless Cuisine" There are many more if you search a bit . Some people get smell/ taste back after a few months but the longer you have lost it the more pessimistic the outcome I hear. Hope yours returns fully