Our grandson is going on 4 months now and the daily stream of pictures and little videos does a lot for Mrs 12's spirits. With the wind chill it will be -35C today. When I was working at Social Security, my service area, about 50 k sq miles, included the Arapahoe/Shoshone joint reservation. This 13k sq miles area was once the home only of the Shoshone, but since the Arapahoe and the Shoshone were ancestral enemies, they put the Arapahoe there too. During this little spell of cold weather we've been enjoying, and having the baby on our minds, I can't help but wonder what it would have been like keeping an infant alive, clean and healthy while teepee living. In terms of staying warm, well fed, having all kinds of social contact and entertainment, not even the very rich a few hundred years ago, live as well as we do now. They sure as hell didn' t have a shed full of bikes, did they.
Not much outdoor stuff for me today, but hopefully I can keep amused. BTW, the dreaded effects of my 2nd vaccine shot never materialized as more than a sore arm. The second shingles shot was much worse.
Be well, safe and keep your powder dry.