The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
I got a nice text from TV licence people telling me that, due to Covid, I am to receive a full years repayment. All I have to do is click on the link.
Now errh uhmm should I, shouldn't I ??


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
It would make sense to try a northern loop first, but what I really fancy having a go at one day is doing a full loop. I think I might have posted some ideas when I was organising a ride on Mull a few years back. I'll go check...

Ah, I was proposing missing out Tobermory...

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Makes sense.Missing Tobermory you miss out a significant hill or two and the single track to Salen. You have 4 hills. Dervaig to Fanmore you will walk the first bit or if going towards Dervaig make sure you have good brakes then a short one at Ulva Ferry flattish round Loch na Keal to opposite Inch Kenneth with a pull up to the top of Ardmeanach and lastly Glen More which is not too bad. I seem to have mixed up the direction of travel here and there but I think you can make sense of it.The west side is more lumpy than the east.
I got a nice text from TV licence people telling me that, due to Covid, I am to receive a full years repayment. All I have to do is click on the link.
Now errh uhmm should I, shouldn't I ??
I got one this morning saying I had set up a payment to a mister Khan in my TSB account. Click here NO.
I do have TSB account as well as 2 others. But banks don't send you text naming the person your sending it to. EE Also said they thought it was a spam text. Didn't follow it up.


Casper WY USA
Surely it has no flavour left by now? I like to have whole nutmegs and grind a bit myself.

In my misspent youth I read where nutmeg is a hallucinogenic so I ate a tin full. This was not a good idea. Large amounts are toxic and the psychedelic part wasno fun either. To this day I will not eat anymore.

Suppose "aged pooch" isn't in a talking mood, what then!
She has many ways of communicating her feelings without making a sound, and quite a few with audible effects. One of those is to throw her head back, make an "O" with her mouth and howl softly and piteously. If we leave her with other people and go out the howl begins immediately.
I'd hope for a ride when the wind died down but it's still in the mid twenties so some other activity will have to do.


Legendary Member
Morning all.
Just reading that, in my town, police broke up an illegal kids birthday party. One person had travelled 80ish miles from the Midlands to attend.
Just how thick are these people ?
I know. It's sickening to hear people still being so stupid. This is why I hope they don't tighten up exercise restrictions, because it's so obvious to anyone with half a brain that it's this sort of thing that's to blame and not someone out for a walk, run or cycle.
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