The Retirement Thread

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Puzzle game procrastinator!
Well, I am afraid that I have been awake for an hour already! I heard the 'bubble support' person get up and put the heating on at early o'clock and then I dozed off again. The heat in this room woke me up again about 2 hours later. BSP then appeared with a mug of tea for me before clearing off to rejoin the outside world.

So, here I am having had 4-5 hours sleep and wondering what to do. It is probably better to get up, have breakfast, and have a nap this afternoon rather than go back to sleep now.

We finished watching Queen's Gambit (dear auto-correct - NOT 'Gambian! :laugh:) last night. We both enjoyed it.

Apparently, QG has resulted in a resurgence of interest in chess round the world. I will have to find my old set and give it a go myself. Can anyone recommend a good free Android chess app? (Human vs app.)


I remember the guy well as he was a regular visitor and hopped about on one leg quite well in his dry suit. He did not appear to have balance problems but I never saw him travel far that way. His leg was off from the knee.

Slightly related to the “One legged man” topic, a few years ago I was doing a very hilly cross country event. Battling up a huge hill I was overtaken by a guy with an artificial leg. He reached the top, turned round and ran back down partway before turning and heading back to the top. His extra bit of hill work meant that I managed to reach the top at the same time as him. As he paused for breath I went across to congratulate him and managed to stand on his good foot 😳 Very embarrassing but he laughed it off. He then disappeared into the distance leaving me in his wake...


Legendary Member
Years ago (early 1900s) there was a one legged diver (as in springboard diver) called 'peggy' Gadsby. He used to dive off New Brighton pier for coins the public would throw in.
He was talked about so much that, as a lad, I thought I had actually seen him......which, it turned, out was not possible.
Pretty sure my dad saw him though.


pedalling tediously
The fact that one of the Covid risk factors appears to be obesity doesn’t seem to have made much difference to most.
Yes , and it seems a lot of people are comfort eating/drinking and binge watching tv to try and block covid out for a while ( not completely innocent myself either ):cursing::hungry::cheers: , ok up to a point if you cycle/run it off but in all honesty not a good idea to do it on semi permanent basis
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