There definitely
ARE problems like that. This house has had various bodge jobs done to it over the years. The trouble is it would cost a
LOT of money to deal with all of the issues properly. Carpets and floors would have to come up, ceilings would have to come down... Many of the accessible defects HAVE been attended to but other hard-to-reach ones have not been.
For your entertainment, here is a long example of
Chez ColinJ electrical bodgery...
My bedroom does not have a light switch! Actually, it DOES - but that switch turns on the bathroom light... There is a second door into the bathroom from the bedroom, which is very handy, and having a switch for that near the doorway makes perfect sense. But why didn't the electrician run another wire round to the same bit of wall and fit a bedroom light switch as well?
The natural way to enter the bedroom is through that bathroom door. But hang on... (at night) the bedroom is in darkness! I would have to go back through the bathroom, out of its other door, and cross the landing to where the bedroom light switch is
actually located! Turn the bedroom light on and either go into the bedroom from its other door, or go back through the bathroom again. Get into bed. Read a while. Time to sleep...
Oh bother, no switch... Back out of bed, walk through one door or the other, make my way to the light switch and turn the light off. Now I have to walk across a bedroom floor in the dark, trying not to walk into anything or trip over.
My bed has a wooden surround to it at shin height. I crunched a shin in the dark 3 nights on the trot when I first moved in here and then threw a hissy fit! Fortunately, '
Middle of Lidl' came to my rescue... They had remote-controlled light fittings on offer. I bought and fitted one of those. I now leave the landing switch permanently on and keep the remote bedroom light switch handy near the bathroom door. I can walk in from the bathroom, pick up the remote, and turn the bedroom light on. I go to bed, read/play computer games until I am ready to sleep, then I use the remote to turn the bedroom light off. Super. That works for me...
The landing switch is one of a block of three. A second switch controls the light for the landing. The third switch controls one of three lights in the attic bedroom. I soon discovered that nobody can remember which switch does what so guests operate them at random. That usually meant that my landing switch got turned off unexpectedly by a guest during the night so I could be plunged into darkness while reading, or unable to turn the light back on with my remote without getting out bed, walking across... you get the picture! (Before I added the remote on/off, they would actually turn my light ON in the middle of the night by accident if they paid a night time visit to the bathroom.)
So now I have a strip of duct tape over my bedroom light switch, holding it permanently in the on position and only use the remote to operate the light.
Thinking about it... there is no light switch in THIS room either! The electrician used one of his/her favoured 3-way switch blocks in the hall. One light for the lounge, one for the kitchen, and one for the landing. At least the landing light can be turned on and off from the bottom of the stairs AND from the landing. Hoorah! If the hall light needs to be switched on, there is a separate switch for that. People can't remember which of the 4 switches does what so the wrong lights get switched on and off in random sequences by everybody but me. (I have finally memorised which switch does what.)
One light in the corner of the kitchen ceiling is hidden out of sight behind a structural element. I didn't even realise it was there until I accidentally turned it on when trying to turn the cellar light on. You got it, the corner kitchen light switch is on the other side of the cellar door. Where else would you put it!
There was a mystery switch in the kitchen. In a... block of 3. It took me 2 years to notice that it operated a light in my back yard! I went out one night to put something in the wheelie bin and saw that the exterior light was on so it had quite possibly been on for the whole 2 years.
Speaking of mystery switches... There are two wall lights opposite me, one either side of the chimney breast. It would be nice to be able to switch those on for some mood lighting when watching TV, and then I would turn off the main light in the room. The trouble is that the switches for those lights are so mysterious that

I'm not kidding. I am totally baffled as to how those lights are supposed to be controlled. I am beginning to think that the electrician got halfway through doing the job but then stopped because he couldn't find anywhere useless enough to put the light switches!

I'm going to get hold of a cable detector to try to see where the wires go. I can see that there are cables at the back of the lights going into the plaster.
I like this house. If I had the money I would buy it, but I would spend £5,000-£10,000 extra on sorting out all the stupid problems with it!