I read that earlier on this morning.
I'm not doubting that Covid is a real thing.
What I'm saying is that information we are being given, and the figures that are bandied about, bear little correlation to what is actually happening on the ground down here.
This lack of correlation is causing people to have a great deal of skepticism about the whole thing.
Yes and I feel this is a very real problem, not with you I'm quick to add. There are areas where people are fortunate to see little or no Covid-19 and others with a huge problem.
Chorley has a population of +/- 120,000 and on Thursday 1988 cases so more than 1.5% of the local population. I know 20+ people who have had it plus many others who've been tested or isolated. Our next door but one neighbour took her two year old for a test on Friday. My closest friend's daughter is waiting on a test result, this one really scares me as they live together.
I'm not being dramatic only describing what is being played out in front of my eyes.
This morning we passed a group of five cyclists clearly meeting up and possibly waiting for others. They waved and said hello, all they got from me and my buddy was disapproving scowls. I'm happy to say all the other riders we saw were in pairs.
I've a friend who keeps shifting herself from one support bubble to another. Her sister is planning a 60th birthday party and inviting all the family. My friend is going, I've expressed a forthright opinion!!
While people are so completely self-centered and selfish in this manner we don't have a prayer. This is going to go on for a very, very long time.
It's very understandable when relatively free areas of the country, even folk who don't know anyone who's ill, find the whole hard thing to comprehend. I absolutely get it but when it's right in your face?? Frightening.
Long Covid-19 is the bit which scares the shoot out of me. I reckon I could deal with the virus but what this journalist describes is truly frightening.